Does PayPal Business Cost Money?

Nearly everyone has a PayPal account. Many e-commerce shops use PayPal for a seamless checkout experience. Integrating it into your website makes it easier and safer for customers to complete transactions. 

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7 Content Marketing Strategies to Promote Your eCommerce Website

The new iOS 15 changes, Google algorithm updates, and changes in buying behaviors impact the results eCommerce brands are experiencing when it comes to their content marketing campaigns. Content is becoming the main element behind the success...

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How To Add PayPal To Your Website

ECommerce shops must provide a smooth shopping experience to build a successful brand. When customers find it easy to browse, add items to their cart, and checkout, they’re more likely to complete a transaction — and do it again in the future!

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How Influencer Marketing Can Put Your eCommerce Business On The Map

Your eCommerce business may be just one out of a million others. So, when you are faced with the disadvantage of stifling competition, how do you make your business stand out?

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How Catchy Web Designs Can Help Online Business Grow Faster than Ever

Even you will read this entire blog due to its appealing design and presentation. Yes, because it takes one-tenth of a second to form the first impression about anything you see in the actual world.

Modern tech solutions and digitization have...

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How To Make Your Website Convert Better

Research shows websites only convert two individuals into customers for every one hundred people who visit. It may sound surprising, but this is a pretty good conversion rate for a business. 

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E-Commerce SEO: Complete Guide For Beginners

E-commerce SEO can increase product sales, but how can you implement it on a new or existing website?

This guide aims to make it easy for someone who is new to eCommerce SEO to understand and start driving quality sales within a few months.

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Form Usability Guidelines

In this digital era, online forms have become extremely necessary because they help organizations and business owners to implement secure and reliable solutions to collect crucial data consistently. With the best form builders, such as what we...

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How Small Businesses Can Use Facebook Video Marketing

Creating great videos and marketing them on Facebook should be integral to your overall content marketing strategy.

Video marketing on Facebook is a great way to get your message front and center with your target audience. However, video...

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How to Drive Customer Referrals

Your customers may not be perfect, but don’t forget, the Customer is King. Hence their demand for the royal treatment. But, how do you do that? Let's learn.

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Contact Page Ideas For Your Website

A contact page upgrade may be precisely the change your business needs to get more customers and boost revenue. Here we will cite examples from which you can draw inspiration to create a suitable contact page for your website. Additionally,...

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What Should a Contact Page Look Like?

When you are designing a website, you have to plan the entire layout, ensuring that every element of the site goes to the right place.

Every website consists of several pages that carry important details about the owner.

Among these pages is...

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6 Inbound Lead Generation Strategies for Your Online Store

You need leads. Simple.

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Contact Form Best Practices For Design

An effective contact form design should draw users and increase website conversions. There are various ways to make a contact form design more attractive and functional. This article will guide you through cutting-edge contact form design with...

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How Clever UI/UX Can Complement Your Content-Led eCommerce Strategy

With growing demand and profitability, eCommerce has naturally gotten more crowded and competitive as a niche in the past recent years. What changes have you made as a result?

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