How eCommerce Brands Can Sell More To Gen Z

Published: | By Hanson Cheng

With Gen Z always on the lookout for the newest trends, keeping up with what this generation wants can be challenging when selling a product online.

This might make some eCommerce brands feel that they are constantly left behind, with no way of knowing exactly what to do.

* Updated 09/12/2024

However, with a little thought behind your digital marketing strategies, there are various ways for eCommerce brands to stay ahead of the curve and sell more to Gen Z.

In this article, we will give you the top tips on how to sell more to Gen Z so that your eCommerce brand can stay ahead of the competition.

With Gen Z making up close to 20.35% of the population, the following points are crucial for eCommerce brands to take on board. Let’s get right into it.

1. Be Authentic

This generation has grown up with social media and is great at spotting inauthenticity from a mile away.

They are also very vocal about the brands and products they do and don't like. So, eCommerce brands need to be authentic if they want to appeal to Gen Z.This means being honest about your products, mission, and values.

It also means being transparent about the supply chain and how the product is made. The last thing you want is for Gen Z to call you out on social media for being fake.

2. Target The Mobile Platform

eCommerce brands need to have a solid mobile presence. This means having a responsive website that’s easy to navigate on a mobile device.

It also means having user-friendly apps that offer a great user experience.

In addition, optimizing your eCommerce checkout page for mobile is crucial for selling to Gen Z. This ensures that your cart abandon rate is low and that you make it as easy as possible for people to purchase from you.

3. Take A Leaf Out Of The Crypto Playbook

Having varying payment methods can help you sell more - this means that taking a leaf out of the crypto playbook might be a great idea.

For starters, you should start accepting cryptocurrency as a form of payment. You can easily convert cryptocurrency payments into fiat currency using crypto exchanges, making the process seamless and secure for your business.

Many people are using cryptocurrency in their lives, and Gen Z is at the forefront of this trend. In addition, by accepting cryptocurrency, you'll be able to appeal to a broader range of customers.

Depending on your eCommerce business, you can also use a concept known as flexible staking. Here, you can offer customers flexible savings & stable earnings, meaning they get to have the best of both worlds.

This is a great way to attract and keep Gen Z customers over the long term.

4. Personalize The Experience

Gen Z loves when brands offer a personalized experience. This can be seen in customizing products, offering recommendations based on past purchases, or even just addressing them by name in marketing emails.

It's also important to remember that Gen Z is always connected, so they expect to be able to interact with brands 24/7.


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This means having a solid customer service presence on social media, being responsive to any questions or concerns, and providing specific feedback to ensure the right personalization.

Using social media automation tools can help you automate various tasks while giving you an edge by creating a personal relationship with Gen Z and, in turn, allowing you to sell more.

5. Do Promotions On Next-Gen Social Media

It's no secret that Gen Z'ers love using social media platforms that include Instagram, Tiktok, and Snapchat.

While everyone has their own opinion on these platforms and the value they provide, eCommerce brands need to be where their customers are. This means being active on these platforms and regularly engaging with potential Gen Z customers through the content you produce.

It also means running promotions and marketing campaigns specifically tailored to each platform. For example, you would not run the same promotion on TikTok as on Instagram.

Each social media platform has unique features, so it's essential to tailor your promotions accordingly if you want to reach Gen Z customers.

In addition, using shopper insights will allow you to improve your brand performance as you'll be using a data-driven approach to your marketing.

6. Highlight Deals

Did you know that 4 out of 5 Gen Z's always know how much money is in their bank account?

In addition, more than 6 out of 10 people in this generation say that living at home after college is a great idea to save money.

Offering promotions that can help save Gen Z money is a great way to appeal to this age range.

It's also important to note that Gen Z is always looking for a deal, so it's essential to highlight any discounts or promotions that you are running on your website and social media platforms.

7. Present Yourself As Socially Aware

One way to sell more is to present your eCommerce brand as socially aware. This means supporting social and environmental causes that Gen Z cares about.

It also means being transparent about your business practices and ensuring that you operate ethically and sustainably. With e-commerce being considered one of the best self-employed jobs around, one of the benefits when it comes to selling to Gen Z is that you can use your platform to make a difference.

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Additionally, it means educating your customers about the causes you support and why they should care about them.

These elements on your site will help you optimize your eCommerce pages and lead to more conversions.

8. Offer Self-Service Options

If you want to balance marketing your brand and your products, one crucial feature that you should consider is having self-service options.

This allows customers to get the information they need without talking to customer service, making the whole commerce process smoother.

Self-service options could include a FAQ page, product videos, or even clear and concise product descriptions. By offering these options, you'll be able to appeal to Gen Z (as well as other generations that are busy in their daily lives).

9. Capitalize On Experiences

Did you know that 78% of Gen Z are much more inclined to “buy an experience” rather than something tangible? This could take many shapes or forms, but the key is to offer something that other eCommerce businesses are not offering.

For example, you could offer a virtual reality experience to your best customers. It could also mean having a contest where the prize is an experience rather than a product.

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You can also take this further by offering a subscription service that gives customers access to exclusive experiences every month.

If you can incorporate this into your marketing, it will not only be a great way to stand out from the competition and appeal to Gen Z but also power your growth marketing.

10. Work With Influencers

As many as 65% of Gen Z have made purchases after someone they knew, liked, or trusted made a specific recommendation. This shows that social proof is significant, especially when selling to Gen Z.

One way to tap into this is by working with influencers. An influencer is someone with a large following on social media who can help promote your products or services.

They can do this by featuring your products on their social media platforms or creating sponsored content. This is a great way to reach a larger audience and sell more.


If you want to sell more to Gen Z, you need to appeal to their values and preferences. Some ways to do this include offering deals and promotions, being socially aware, and working with influencers.

Finally, don't forget to stay up to date with the latest eCommerce trends to keep ahead of the competition. By following these tips, you'll be able to appeal to Gen Z and sell more products through eCommerce. 


Author Bio

Hanson Cheng is the founder of Freedom to Ascend. He empowers online entrepreneurs and business owners to 10x their business and become financially independent. You can connect with him here.


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