Can I Paste a Hyperlink in a Website’s Comment Box?

Published: | By POWR

It is possible to paste a hyperlink in the comment box of a website.

The comment boxes of some websites also include buttons or menus that allow you to quickly add and edit a link; however, this option is missing on most websites.

What are Hyperlinks and Comment Boxes?

A hyperlink, or simply a link, is a clickable digital reference that points to another source or location. For quick access to referred resources, people often add hyperlinks to PDF files and webpages.

Hyperlinks can be used to lead users to a referenced webpage, documents, or other online content.

Hyperlinks are used for varying reasons, including gaining credibility when using statistics, increasing page views, and improving the search engine optimization (SEO) of a website, among others.

Comment boxes are an important addition to any website.

They allow site owners to engage with their readers and for visitors to express their ideas and discuss topics with others—which, in turn, improves the activity of the website. 

How to Add Hyperlinks to Comments

There are several ways to paste a hyperlink in the comment box of a website. The following steps can be used to paste hyperlinks in website comment boxes that do not support them intuitively:

Hyperlink Supported Websites

Websites designed with comment boxes that support hyperlinks are the easiest to work with.

Generally, website owners leave instructions on their pages, letting commenters know what is accepted and what is not accepted.

If you are on a website that accepts hyperlinks, simply type your comment in the comment box and paste your link wherever you want to add it in the comment.

The website will automatically convert the link to a clickable location after you post the comment.

Paste Hyperlinks Using HTML

For this option, you will need to find out if the website where you want to paste a hyperlink supports HTML code in the comment section.

Confirmation is necessary because some webmasters disable HTML on their websites to prevent spamming. Some sites even go as far as disabling the comment section altogether.

If the website supports HTML codes and links in the comment section, write your comment on a notepad. Make sure your comment is relevant and not too short. 

Copy and paste a ‘<a href>’ tag to insert your hyperlink into the notepad. For example: <a href=””>Hello, world!</a>

Copy and paste everything on your notepad into the comment box of the website. Your comment will be displayed as “Hello, world!” with the link embedded in it. This also works with WordPress-based websites. 

Wondering how to remove the comment box in WordPress? Check out this recent post.

Benefits of Hyperlinks in Comment Boxes

There are times when you will have specific reasons for wanting to leave a comment with hyperlinks.

For example, hyperlinked texts could take readers from one page to another or from one website to another, where they can find more information on a topic being discussed. 

Hyperlinks can be used when building a website as a means to encourage visitors to spend more time on your site. Website owners can effectively use hyperlinks in comment boxes to redirect visitors to more of their content—and purchase more products in their online stores.

This could ultimately lead to visitors subscribing to email newsletters or other premium services.

What to Know About Pasting Hyperlinks

It is important to check the websites where you intend to paste the hyperlinks into their comment boxes to determine if this is permitted within their terms of use.

In addition, some websites are moderated, meaning your comment containing the hyperlink has a fifty-fifty chance of being approved and uploaded to the website.

Lastly, if you are pasting hyperlinks in the comment boxes of websites for link building, you want to do this correctly. When not done properly, you may be penalized by Google for scheming.

While it is a great way to build backlinks, it should not be the only source for your website, as Google tracks your email and IP address. You may have to reach out to others and ask them to mention your site in their comments and embed your URL.

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