website optimization

    7 Content Types That Can Earn You Authoritative Backlinks

    Backlinks have always been an important ranking signal for Google and other search engines.

    A recent Backlinko study of 11.8 million Google search results showed that top-ranking pages have more backlinks than others. 

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    How to Improve Your Customer Experience in 5 Steps

    It's understandable that most businesses value their online presence during the pandemic. And the truth is that today many customers discover your business online first, so every aspect of your online presence, specifically your website, must...

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    Where To Put Reviews On Your Website

    Consumers are increasingly becoming more alert when searching for products and services on the internet. Studies have shown that almost 80 percent of online shoppers today go through customer reviews before they make a purchase. Therefore, if...

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    Can I Use Yelp Reviews On My Website?

    Including customer reviews on your website improves your site’s search engine optimization (SEO) and shows you are trustworthy to potential clients. Business owners often ask, does responding to reviews help SEO? The answer is yes! Google has,...

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    How To Create an eCommerce Business Website With WordPress

    Nowadays, it's easier than ever to create a professional-looking website for your business.

    However, if you're selling products or services online, you'll need more than just a pretty website. You'll need an eCommerce platform that can take...

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    Should I Use a Paypal Business or Personal Account?

    Nearly everyone who buys or sells online has a PayPal account. Most PayPal users have a standard PayPal Personal account and use it to pay for online purchases or transfer funds to friends and family.

    PayPal is also useful for business owners...

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    7 Low-Cost Ways to Boost eCommerce Brand Awareness in 2023

    E-Commerce has experienced remarkable growth and change over the past few years - especially after the Covid-19 pandemic changed online shopping behavior forever. Those who considered building their eCommerce brand awareness beforehand saw it...

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    Does PayPal Business Cost Money?

    Nearly everyone has a PayPal account. Many e-commerce shops use PayPal for a seamless checkout experience. Integrating it into your website makes it easier and safer for customers to complete transactions. 

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    How To Add PayPal To Your Website

    ECommerce shops must provide a smooth shopping experience to build a successful brand. When customers find it easy to browse, add items to their cart, and checkout, they’re more likely to complete a transaction — and do it again in the future!

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    How Catchy Web Designs Can Help Online Business Grow Faster than Ever

    Even you will read this entire blog due to its appealing design and presentation. Yes, because it takes one-tenth of a second to form the first impression about anything you see in the actual world.

    Modern tech solutions and digitization have...

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    How To Make Your Website Convert Better

    Research shows websites only convert two individuals into customers for every one hundred people who visit. It may sound surprising, but this is a pretty good conversion rate for a business. 

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    E-Commerce SEO: Complete Guide For Beginners

    E-commerce SEO can increase product sales, but how can you implement it on a new or existing website?

    This guide aims to make it easy for someone who is new to eCommerce SEO to understand and start driving quality sales within a few months.

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    6 Inbound Lead Generation Strategies for Your Online Store

    You need leads. Simple.

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    Contact Form Best Practices For Design

    An effective contact form design should draw users and increase website conversions. There are various ways to make a contact form design more attractive and functional. This article will guide you through cutting-edge contact form design with...

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    How Clever UI/UX Can Complement Your Content-Led eCommerce Strategy

    With growing demand and profitability, eCommerce has naturally gotten more crowded and competitive as a niche in the past recent years. What changes have you made as a result?

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