website optimization

    What Are The Steps Of The Conversion Process?

    So you’ve started a business, and you are ready to watch the money roll in from the leads you’ve collected. But how do you transform a pile of names into profit? 

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    6 Mobile Marketing Strategies That Can Help You Grow Your Business

    If you’re running a business, you need to reach your customers through the channels they use the most.

    In previous decades, traditional media (TV, radio, and print) dominated the marketing landscape, but customers now use mobile devices to...

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    Four Key Steps of Conversion Optimization

    Digital marketing efforts aim to convert casual internet users into loyal customers. But how do you ensure that you achieve this goal? The answer is conversion optimization

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    What Are the Steps for Creating a Conversion Path?

    Conversion in retail is the overriding objective behind any promotional materials!

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    What Are The Benefits Of Conversion Rate Optimization?

    Suppose you're a small business looking to grow your company. In that case, you have probably read about conversion rate optimization (CRO). CRO involves a lot of testing and takes time and resources, so you might be wondering if investing in...

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    7 Tips to Drive Traffic Using Google Maps (2022)

    Google Maps is the most popular online map in the world. It has more than 23 million downloads and 150 million monthly users. Imagine that you can get a presence on Google Maps. It will be a great way to drive traffic to your store. People...

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    Writing Tips for Moderating Comments in WordPress

    As a blogger or a business owner with a WordPress website, you know the power of comments, don't you?

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    What Are Good Conversion Rates?

    A conversion rate is an excellent metric to measure your company’s success in marketing. But you may have some questions. For example, what is a reasonable conversion rate, and how can you boost yours? This blog post will discuss the...

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    Loyalty Programs for E-Commerce

    E-commerce has flourished in the past decade, but following the COVID-19 pandemic, online shopping went through a tremendous leap. 

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    How to Write Content That Ranks: Killer Guide For Beginners

    Nearly 90% of marketers continue to invest in content marketing plans. In addition, 57% of B2C marketers said that on-page SEO content development helped their businesses to stand out on Google. No doubt, content has the power to break sales...

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    Are RSS Feeds Still Being Used?

    Although RSS feeds aren’t as popular as they once were, they can still be useful. The spread of social media and email subscriptions enables the new generation of internet users to receive updates from websites they follow directly to their...

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    How To Avoid eCommerce Mistakes That Make You Lose Your Subscribers

    Running a successful eCommerce store is not easy, especially when the digital marketplace is a dog-eat-dog world where most e-stores are eaten alive in their first 90 days. 

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    Submitting Your RSS Feed To RSS Directories

    As a website manager or publisher, the best way to deliver quality content to your target audience is to submit your Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds to an RSS directory. RSS directories allow users to discover great feeds, all in one...

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    How To Do A Birthday Countdown

    If you've got a big event, occasion, promotion, or birthday coming up, you'll want to know how to do a birthday countdown to get your friends and followers involved!

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    How to Easily Find and Fix 404 Errors From Your WordPress Dashboard

    Do you know that if your website visitors get a 404 error upon landing on your site, they might end up never returning to it again? 

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