small business

    How To Create A Holiday Marketing Plan For Your eCommerce Business

    The holiday season is coming up, which means that it’s time to think about planning your holiday marketing campaign. This is the time of great opportunity to increase your sales and build customer loyalty so you absolutely need to run holiday...

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    POWR Social Feed Makes Connecting to Instagram A Breeze

    POWR Social Feed now has an easier option for connecting to your business’s Instagram account! The additional option for connecting to Instagram uses Instagram’s Basic Display API - meaning that you can connect any personal or business account...

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    How to Sell More on Shopify With the POWR Product Reviews App

    I recently bought a pair of shoes online, and remember being struck by how opposite the top two reviews were. The first was 5 stars and titled ‘Beautiful’. The second was 1 star and titled ‘Buyer Beware’.

    However, there were 374 other...

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    10 Quick Tips to Prepare Your eCommerce Site for the Holiday Season

    The holidays are a time for family, friends, and festivities. 

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    7 Strategies To Grow Your Email Marketing List

    Business owners and marketers are always looking for ways to build an email list.

    That isn’t surprising knowing that nearly 80% of marketing professionals in 2020 said they’ve seen an increase in email engagement over the last 12 months.


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    15 Ways to Inspire Trust from eCommerce Customers

    Online shoppers are wary of eCommerce sites and the products sold there. They want to know they can trust you, but how?

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    7 Customer Acquisition Metrics You Should be Tracking in Your Business

    Many business owners believe thatcustomer acquisition metrics are an intimidating topic and that it requires the knowledge of experts. So they steer clear from it.

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    SEO Cheat Sheet: What SEO Is and How To Do It

    SEO - we all hear about it, but what is it? How do you actually do SEO for your website? And why? I'll admit when I first started learning about it, I went deep down the rabbit hole. Here are some important things I've learned along the way.

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    7 Customer Acquisition Management Strategies

    While most businesses have shifted their focus to customer retention and loyalty — and for good reason — that doesn’t mean we can ignore customer acquisition if we truly want our business to grow.

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    POWR Is Acquired by Pluribus Technologies

    Today is an exciting day for us all at POWR!  

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    Reduce Shopping Cart Abandonment With a Countdown Timer for Shopify

    We’ve all been there, browsing an online store on our phone and thinking, “Wow, this shirt would be perfect for next weekend.”

    We’ll add it to our shopping cart and then sit on it. In 85% of cases, we don’t complete our purchase. 

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    Ecommerce Websites: What is Visual Identity and Why Does it Matter?

    Choosing what to wear each day, or how we do our hair are all decisions that create your own unique look and affect the way in which others perceive you. The same simple concept goes for your eCommerce website.

    Building a brand that is...

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    Top 5 E-commerce Conversion Rate Optimization Tactics

    Is your eCommerce conversion rate dropping? Don’t worry; you’re not the only one! As per the most recent survey and studies in 2020, the average conversion rate of eCommerce websites is 2.86%. However, you should worry about the impact if your...

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    Understanding the Buyers Cycle Will Help Your Online Business Grow

    Now is the best time to start and grow your online business. But how do you attract and retain clients while beating the fierce competition?

    The answer is simple - develop your sales funnel based on the buyer’s cycle. Whether you want people...

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    Best 5 Apps for Your eCommerce Store

    You’ve found a product you’re passionate about and want to get it out into the world. If you get things right it really pays off. That’s why it’s so important to get on the right track from the beginning and to make sure your store is set up...

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