How to Help Your SMB Clients Optimize Their Customer Engagement

According to a recent State of the Connected Customer report by Salesforce, 83% of customers expect immediate engagement when they get in touch with a business. Even after the purchase process is complete, customers expect instant...

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5 SEO Tips to Boost Your Sales

Focusing on search engine optimization, or SEO is one of the most important parts of running an eCommerce business today.

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Social SEO: What Is It and How Search Boosts your Social Efforts

Obviously, the term social media is not new to you, and more than likely, neither is SEO. But what about social SEO? What is it? How do I do it? Can social media impacted my SEO? And vice versa. 

This article will answer all of the above, and...

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How Is Social Media Changing the Packaging Design & Industry?

An April 2023 market research study showed that over half the world, nearly 60%, use social media regularly. That's close to 5 billion people, which is a staggering number considering that around 20 years ago, it was less than 400 million.


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6 Tips On How To Make a Custom Social Media Strategy

The impact social media has had on the marketing world over the last decade is undeniable. It has proven time and time again as a powerful tool for connecting with your audience and spreading brand awareness.

These are all things every...

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4 Steps to Take to Guarantee Success During the Holidays

It’s that time of year again when eCommerce businesses ramp up their marketing in time for Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and the holiday rushes that follow.

In 2021, Cyber Monday alone resulted in $10.7 billion in spending. This year looks to be...

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How to Inspire Customers to Create UGC About Your Products

High-quality User Generated Content (UGC) is the holy grail of social media marketing. Similar to positive product reviews, organic content from your customers can convince potential buyers better than paid advertisements.

Content from your...

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9 Ways to Increase Customer Loyalty and Improve Sales

Customer loyalty is one of the greatest accomplishments that a business can achieve. Turning a prospect into an advocate of your business by using your retention strategies or loyalty marketing is a great and fulfilling process.

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How to Attract and Market to a Gen Z Audience

Especially for older professionals, the behaviors and preferences of Generation Z may seem complex and unpredictable. This can make it challenging for marketers to tailor their campaigns to this demographic and attract customers in a digital...

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9 Proven and Tested Email Outreach Templates You Can Use Today

Outreach is one of the most important parts of link building, but it can also be one of the most time-consuming. 

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What is Target Marketing? The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

Targeted marketing is a direct way of getting products and services known by the target audience for which they were created; targeted marketing is the top-notch magic trick that every business owner needs.

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POWR RoundUp: A Busy Summer of Integration and API Updates

It’s officially fall here at our offices and with sweaters and spiced lattes also comes the focus on upcoming holiday events and parties.

With consumers purchasing more online than ever before we are steadfast in our commitment to giving...

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Reaching Gen C: Marketing to a New Generation of Consumers

Gen C has heightened smartphone, tablet, and computer use among their generation, their families, and are creating unique opportunities for digital marketers. So, who is Gen C and is marketing to them different? 

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5 Reasons Visitors Aren't Signing Up for Your Newsletter

As a business owner, building an email list is incredibly important because it can help you collect more leads and it also allows you to build a better relationship with prospects and customers.

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4 Reasons to Ensure Visibility in Supply Chain Logistics

Visibility refers to knowing exactly where the inventory is at every point in the eCommerce supply chain — and how well the parts or products in transit can be tracked in real-time as they move from the manufacturer or supplier to their final...

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