5 Reasons Why Leads Unsubscribe From Emails and How to Win Them Back

It's frustrating when leads unsubscribe from your email list. Not only do you lose the potential business, but you also lose the opportunity to continue nurturing that relationship. Why do people unsubscribe from email lists?

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What Should Be Included on a Contact Us Page?

A website’s Contact Us page can be more than just a digital business card. It’s another avenue for the brand to advertise its services, connect with potential partners and customers, and convert leads. But this extra value can only be achieved...

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6 Essential Email Marketing Strategies for Small Businesses

Email marketing allows small business owners to build stronger relationships with future and existing customers. Email communication is personal and makes the audience feel you care for them. That’s why email marketing can virtually guarantee ...

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What is Social SEO, and Why Is It Important for Your Brand?

Digital marketing has evolved in the past few years in response to Google’s algorithm updates in certain aspects and the steady rise of the 'content is king' era. Previously, the standard SEO strategy focused on singular keywords. Today, SEO...

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How Do I Optimize a Contact Us Page?

Failing to optimize a Contact Us page is a common mistake people make when building a website. It’s often dismissed as a simple directory or another way for customers to reach the company. And while it does serve as a contact channel, a...

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Contact Us Page Tips

The Contact Us page of a website is usually an afterthought, often reduced to a static landing page that doesn’t really do anything, which further feeds into the page’s bad reputation. Since site owners don’t pay attention to it, the messages...

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Sales Videos: What You Need to Know

Let’s admit it. We’ve seen enough mediocre cold emails from brands promoting their new products or features, that we hardly notice them anymore. They are mostly the same, nothing eye-catching; bulky descriptions with bullet points and a...

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What Is The Conversion Optimization Process?

The conversion optimization process is a crucial marketing strategy for building your business. It can improve your conversion rates, create a loyal and satisfied customer base, and take your business to new heights. After all, your ultimate...

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Workplace Culture Trends to Look Out for in 2024

Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work. Aristotle has anticipated the idea and importance of a perfect workplace for the ideal result. 

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How To Incorporate TikTok Into Your Marketing Strategy

TikTok is one of the fastest-growing social media apps in the world – and not just among teens. The app has an incredible impact on the modern world's culture, and brands are taking notice.

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What is Lead Nurturing Content?

A nurturing strategy aims to keep your brand in front of your customers, helping to increase conversion rate in eCommerce and develop excellent relationships!

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What Is Conversion In Retail?

Retail stores rely on elaborate metrics to understand their target audience’s preferences. If they can get to the root of that, they can boost sales. 

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6 eCommerce Pricing Strategies to Jack up Your Revenue

In 2020, online shopping accounted for 17.8% of sales worldwide, with anticipation to reach 21% this year.

There’s no doubt that eCommerce is experiencing phenomenal growth owing to the great convenience of digital shopping.

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4 Crucial Processes to Centralize Your Email Marketing

Email marketing is absolutely vital for modern businesses.

With the right email marketing campaign, you can reach your target audience effectively, bring one-time customers back to your store, and announce special deals to your most loyal...

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What Is A Nurturing Strategy?

A nurturing strategy uses lead nurturing content to help you increase your overall number of leads, improve customer loyalty, and develop great relationships with your prospects at every step in your sales funnel!

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