Embedding a Full-Screen Video Slider

Published: | By POWR

One of the easiest and most effective ways to improve engagement on your website is to upload visual content, such as video clips.

Videos will make your site more appealing and entertaining to users—and help attract more traffic. You can make your visual content more interesting by creating a video slider with multiple uploaded videos.

Video sliders have become very popular because of their ability to add to the functionality and usability of websites. When you’re uploading videos to your site, the most important thing you need to consider is ensuring the clips are well organized so that they don’t leave the intended audience feeling overwhelmed.

Adding a video or GIF to a website slider reduces the clutter by posting individual clips separately on one page.

A slider allows you to post as many videos as you like without overcrowding your web pages because it shows one at a time. This organization also improves the visual appeal of your website, user traffic, and ranking authority.



What is a Video Slider?

A video slider is a slideshow installed on your website to display multiple videos in a carousel or slideshow manner.

There are two main types of video sliders: full-screen and windowed video sliders. The full-screen slider features a full-page design and is synonymous with the idea of the hero image, while a windowed video slider adopts a smaller split-page design.   

The full-screen video slider creates a positive impression and an immersive home theater experience by filling the entire screen. This video slider is also eye-catching, grabbing the attention of everyone visiting your site.

It will encourage visitors to watch your video content and spend more time on your site, reducing the bounce rate.

Finding the Right Slider Plugin

Previously, website owners only used sliders to share static images. With the latest plugins, you can create a dynamic slider that shares multiple videos in a full-screen format for the best viewing experience.

To do this, you must find a reliable video slider plugin for your WordPress site because some plugins are untrustworthy.

Some free plugins on the internet come with malware, while others have annoying ads that will spam your videos and chase away potential clients.

For this reason, it’s important to get your full-screen video slider plugin from a trusted source like POWR. Its plugins are both free and easy to customize.

Because you want your website to be unique and stand out, get a plugin to personalize your video slider to make every user feel appreciated.

POWR plugins offer a wide range of editing options that you can use to give your full-screen sliders a personal touch and make them more effective. With such a reputable company offering free plugins, you can be assured that you’re using the best free video slider plugin for WordPress.  

Why You Should Have a Full-Screen Video Slider

Full-screen video sliders have become integral to modern web design because of their numerous benefits to website owners and users.

If you’re looking for a simple yet effective way to improve the web visitor experience on your website, you should consider incorporating a full-screen video slider into your site.

This feature helps catch new visitors' attention across your site. Studies have shown that any new visitor to a site takes just 0.05 seconds to decide whether to stay and browse your content or log out—you want to grab their attention as quickly as possible.

With a full-screen video slider, your site will create a positive impression, motivating visitors to spend more time on it as they check out your visual content.

This offers you a perfect opportunity to market your products or services and attempt to convert new visitors into customers.

Additionally, this slider will add a personal touch to your site by allowing you to display your visual content in an immersive and more engaging way.

Your visitors won’t struggle to see details of your products in the videos, even when they are watching on their mobile devices, because the images are displayed on the entire screen.

Fortunately, today’s full-screen video slider plugins let you design responsive content, making it easier for your users to watch your clips on any device.

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