Magnus Eriksen

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Maximizing Lead Generation: Leveraging Email Signature Marketing

For small businesses, quality leads are the lifeblood that keeps operations flowing. But let's face it, finding cost-effective ways to attract those promising potential customers is often an uphill battle.

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Smooth Transactions: Streamlining Payments with a Dedicated Button

Picture this: You’ve set up an online business, your web design is on point, and the site is running smoothly. Your marketing efforts are paying off, and many interested would-be customers are visiting your website.

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Decoding Viral Content: The Great Potential of Memes & Trending Topics

There’s a difference between a content creator and an influencer. While many consider the two almost non-exclusive separate entities, you can be both. The glue that brings them together is viral content.

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How Artificial Intelligence Can Improve Your Email Marketing Campaigns

Any business that wants to thrive in today's highly-competitive and fast-paced digital world has to constantly seek innovative ways to enhance its marketing efforts and stand out from the competition. 

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How to Use an Image Gallery to Boost SEO and User Experience

Let's be honest for a moment. We live in a world where visual content takes the win.From social media to the web, people are more likely to respond and engage with content that includes visuals.

Social media giants such as TikTok, Instagram,...

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6 Steps Every E-Commerce Business Should Take Before a New Promotion

When launching a new e-commerce store, you need to come out punching with a plan and actions that will get traffic to your site and lead to sales straight away.

*Updated 7/11/2024

A great way to do this is to start with some excellent...

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4 Crucial Processes to Centralize Your Email Marketing

Email marketing is absolutely vital for modern businesses.

*Updated 8/13/2024

With the right email marketing campaign, you can reach your target audience effectively, bring one-time customers back to your store, and announce special deals to...

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