4 Crucial Processes to Centralize Your Email Marketing

Published: | By Magnus Eriksen

Email marketing is absolutely vital for modern businesses.

*Updated 8/13/2024

With the right email marketing campaign, you can reach your target audience effectively, bring one-time customers back to your store, and announce special deals to your most loyal consumers.

But sending out random or sporadic marketing messages or multiple marketing emails drafted by different teams can be disastrous.

Decentralized email marketing can seem inconsistent, cause confusion in your target audience, or lead to other problems.

Today, let’s explain why email marketing should be centralized for any organization. We’ll also discuss four ways to practice centralized email marketing for excellent results effectively.

Why Leverage Centralized Email Marketing?

Simply put, because of the benefits!

Centralized email marketing means bringing different marketing team members together, having them work on shared marketing goals, and using similar tools and processes.

centralized email marketingImage: Litmus

Essentially, centralized email marketing forces your marketing team members to work together.

With luck and a little planning, your email marketing campaigns will be much more effective since your marketing team will present a unified front.

Everyone will craft persuasive, on-brand messages without confusion or contradictions reaching your customers.

Benefits of Centralized Email Marketing

  • Better project visibility for project managers

Managing centralized email marketing campaigns is much easier than managing multiple decentralized campaigns simultaneously.

This will, in turn, reduce delays and prevent team members from having to work twice on the same advertisement or marketing assignment. It also usually leads to better productivity.

  • Improved time management

Since team members use the same tools and platforms and rely on the same workflow processes, they work better together and get more done in the same time frames.

Note that this doesn’t mean you sacrifice quality; centralized email marketing usually results in better quality emails and more lead generation overall.

  • Better sharing of strategic information or marketing resources

With a centralized email marketing campaign, your team members will use the same data to make ads.

Theoretically, this will also help your ads be more persuasive to your target audience. Plus, all your team members using the same workflow will help eliminate repetitive and redundant tasks.

  • More consistent achievement of your company objectives

In a broad sense, centralized email marketing will help you achieve the biggest, most important marketing objectives more regularly and easily.

For example, bringing a certain number of one-time customers back for another purchase will be easier with centralized email marketing than with decentralized marketing.

4 Ways To Centralize Email Marketing and Operations

Now that you know the benefits of centralized email marketing, let’s explain how you can do that.

The below four steps are great for developing a centralized email marketing campaign from scratch. You can also use these steps for every marketing campaign in the future.

1. Start with clear goals and metrics to measure

You need to start with clear goals and a dedicated plan to centralize your email marketing operations. Outline the major objectives of each marketing campaign, like:

  • Bringing a certain number of people to your small business
  • Attracting the repeat business of one-time customers
  • Improving awareness for your small business, especially if you get most of your traffic locally

Whatever your goal is, outline it and ensure all your marketing members know what it is.

When you outline clear goals for your centralized email marketing campaign, you give your marketers exactly what they need to leverage shared resources effectively.

how to measure email marketing success

More importantly, your marketers will know:

  • What words or touch points should they focus on
  • What words or things should they avoid
  • Who they should and should not target, etc. 

This is crucial if your marketing emails must be informative to customers.

For example, when drafting copy for marketing emails explaining the benefits of VPNs, your copywriters need to know what they can and can’t say, how to word your product, etc.

2. Pool resources and identify collaboration spaces

Next, your marketers must identify the shared collaboration spaces and pooled resources they can tap into.

Shared spaces can include communication channels, software platforms, or even your small business’s break room! Or it can be the table of one marketing team member where everyone agrees to meet to brainstorm.

Additionally, it can be a mind mapping tool that allows collaborative work and runs in the way your employees prefer to work.

Identifying shared resources is also necessary so different marketing team members don’t overuse them. With a centralized email marketing process, everyone must share a certain amount of resources, like ad copy, marketing dollars, graphics, etc.

Again, this will help prevent your marketing team members from stepping on each other’s toes. It’ll also allow them to bond and become an unstoppable marketing team!

3. Map a marketing workflow

As noted above, your team collaboration will thrive or falter based on its plan.

With that in mind, you should develop a detailed and heavily mapped-out workflow, including action points, timelines, and deliverables.

Collaborative and centralized workflows are great for managers. They allow them to assign the right people to the right stages of each workflow plan.

For example, assigning the best copywriters to write the messages for email ads.

sales processImage: Visual Paradigm

More importantly, creating a centralized workflow will help your team avoid missing deadlines and will tell them when they need to have certain deliverables ready to go.

This, in turn, prevents sections of the workflow from clogging up.

For example, with a dedicated and collaborative workflow, your centralized email marketing team can avoid a scenario where graphics for marketing emails are ready to go.

Still, ad copy isn’t, forcing some team members to sit around and waste time.

4. Use centralized email marketing tools and software

Lastly, you can and should use centralized email marketing tools, software, and other automated solutions.

For example, collaborative email marketing platforms are great for setting up and sending emails at the right time, to the right audience, etc.

Automated tools can help streamline your workflow, eliminate busy work, and help with project planning. In addition, project planning software can help you track your worker's time and assign the right team members to the right stages of each project.  

Of course, other tools are similarly important when executing an effective centralized email marketing campaign. For example, an email countdown app can help inspire user engagement and draw attention to upcoming sales, special deals, and other elements of your marketing emails.

Bottom line: use modern software tools to their greatest effect when developing and launching a centralized email marketing plan.

Wrap Up

Centralized email marketing is a great strategy for small business owners like yourself. It is resource-efficient, can help you achieve your marketing goals, and will reduce wasted time and productivity.

A major concern is whether you have a small marketing team or do your marketing yourself!

Try centralized email marketing today, and while you’re here, check out all the ways other POWR apps can help your business thrive in our modern market!


Author Bio

Magnus Eriksen is a copywriter and e-commerce SEO specialist with a degree in Marketing and Brand Management. Before embarking on his copywriting career, he was a content writer for digital marketing agencies such as Synlighet AS and Omega Media, where he mastered on-page and technical SEO.


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