7 Tips for Creating an Irresistible Email Newsletter

Published: | By Shanice Jones

Despite the rise of social media and other digital channels, email marketing, and newsletters specifically, are still a very powerful tool for building relationships, driving website traffic, and lead generation.

*Updated 05/11/2024

In fact, multiple studies show that the average return on investment (ROI) for email marketing is $36 (and up to $72) for every $1 spent

With the average office worker receiving over 120 emails daily, creating an email newsletter that stands out and captures attention is becoming increasingly challenging.

This article will explore 7 practical tips and strategies for creating irresistible email newsletters your subscribers will look forward to receiving.

1. Craft the Best Email Subject Line

A poorly crafted subject line will cause your email to get lost in the inbox, while a compelling one can entice readers to open and engage with your content. 

The subject line is the first thing your subscribers see, and it can make or break the success of your email newsletter.

email subject analyzer toolSource

Here are my best tips for crafting effective email subject lines:

The subject line is your first (and sometimes only) chance to make a good impression and entice subscribers to engage with your email newsletter. 

Crafting compelling, attention-grabbing subject lines is essential for any successful email marketer.

2. Provide Exclusive Content

Subscribers are showing genuine interest in what you have to say and permitting you to appear in their inbox. That's a big deal!

You want to avoid exhausting them by sending them the same old stuff everyone else is getting. 

Exclusive content adds value to your newsletters, making them more enticing for your audience. It can include:

  • Special offers
  • Early access
  • Discounts
  • Sneak peeks
  • Behind-the-scenes insights
  • Expert tips

Giving your subscribers something unique and valuable rewards them and encourages new sign-ups. 

Exclusive content helps build a sense of community and loyalty among your audience, setting your newsletters apart and making them a must-read for your subscribers.

Here is a great example of the daily newsletter (and email newsletter design) from Search Engine Journal.


Each newsletter begins with the hottest topic in SEO at the moment. Of course, this being the recent Google Core Update initiated in March 2024.

It goes on to list out other hot topics related to SEO and social media, upcoming webinars to attend, and podcasts you should be listening to. An all-around excellent source you should subscribe to!


3. Make it Visually Appealing

A plain text email won't cut it in today's visually-driven world. Your newsletter must be visually appealing and well-designed to capture attention and engage readers.

Fortunately, you can do a few simple things to make your newsletter more visually appealing:

  • Incorporate high-quality images, graphics, GIFs, or videos throughout your email to break up text and add visual interest. 
  • Keep your design simple, with ample white space and a clear information hierarchy. 
  • Use your brand's colors, fonts, and logos consistently throughout your newsletter design. 
  • Add interactive elements like image carousels, accordion menus, or even a QR code for registration.
  • Choose legible and web-safe fonts, and ensure proper font sizes and line spacing for optimal readability across devices.


Another way to make your emails visually engaging while driving conversions is to use countdown timers. To add a countdown timer to your emails, you’ll need a tool like an email countdown app.


With a countdown timer, you’ll create the Fear of Missing Out and get more people to take action when you promote your sales events. 

4. Keep it Concise

When it comes to email newsletters, brevity is key. Your subscribers are inundated with content and have limited attention spans. 

A study shows that the average human attention span decreased by almost 25% from the early 2000s. Today, it is shorter than that of a goldfish (9 seconds).

So, it's essential to keep your content concise. Here are a couple of tips:

  • Get straight to the point. Don't waste time with small talk or pleasantries. Get right to the heart of what you want to say.
  • Keep it short. The shorter your newsletter, the more likely people will read it. So, keep each email to one or two paragraphs.
  • Use clear and scannable formatting. Break up your content into short paragraphs, use bullet points or numbered lists, and incorporate subheadings to make your newsletter easy to scan. This allows readers to quickly grasp the main points and find the information they need.

Prioritize the most critical information. Before writing, determine the primary purpose of your email and the key messages you want to convey.

Focus on delivering those essential points clearly and concisely, without unnecessary fluff or filler content.

5. Make it Personal

When your emails feel tailored to their interests and needs, readers are more likely to open, read, and take action. 

Remember that a real person on the other end will be reading it. So, make sure to write in a personal and friendly way.

There are a few valuable ways you can do this:

  • Use their name. Addressing subscribers by their first name can instantly make your message feel more personal and relevant. Just be sure to have the proper name fields set up in your email service provider.
  • Use a conversational tone. Write as you would speak to someone in person. It will make your newsletter feel more human and relatable.
  • Make personal recommendations. If you have data on your subscribers' preferences or past purchases, use that information to make personalized product or content recommendations that align with their interests.
  • Customize content based on behaviors. Pay attention to how individual subscribers interact with your emails and website. Then, customize future content and offers based on their browsing behavior, purchase patterns, or email engagement. If a segment of your audience is interested in business processes and tools, you can offer tips on tools like editing PDFs or executing certain formulas in Excel. 

Personalizing and tailoring your email newsletter content can significantly boost open rates, click-throughs, and conversions.

6. Use a Call to Action

A strong call-to-action (CTA) is essential for driving engagement and conversions from your email newsletter subscribers. 



Whether you want subscribers to make a purchase, visit your website, or sign up for an event, a well-crafted CTA guides them toward taking that next step.

Here's how to do it:

  • Your CTA should stand out prominently in your email design, using contrasting colors, larger font sizes, or eye-catching buttons. It ensures that it's immediately noticeable and hard to miss.
  • Use concise and action-oriented language for your CTA, such as "Buy Now," "Learn More," or "Register Today." Avoid vague or confusing wording that leaves readers unsure of what you want them to do.
  • Incorporate words or phrases like "limited time," "act fast," or "don't miss out" to create a feeling of scarcity or exclusivity, motivating subscribers to take action sooner rather than later.
  • Clearly communicate the benefit or value proposition of taking the desired action, such as "Get 20% off your first order" or "Download our free guide."

More importantly, continuously experiment with different CTA variations, such as placement, wording, and design, to determine what resonates best with your audience. 

It will help you refine your approach and maximize the effectiveness of your CTAs.

7. Leverage the Zeigarnik Effect



The Zeigarnik Effect is a psychological phenomenon that suggests people remember uncompleted or interrupted tasks better than completed ones. 

In other words, if you can leave your readers with a cliffhanger, they're more likely to stick around until the end. And an email newsletter is a great way to put it into action.

Here's how:

  • Create curiosity. Instead of providing all the details in one email, consider breaking up a story, case study, or behind-the-scenes look into multiple parts. End each email on a cliffhanger or with a teaser for the next installment, piquing curiosity.
  • Use open loops. Open loops are unresolved elements in your content that prompt your subscribers to seek closure. It could be a question that needs answering, a story that needs completion, or a promise of more valuable information in the following newsletter. These open loops can keep your audience engaged and eager for follow-up communication.
  • Maintain consistency. To effectively leverage the Zeigarnik Effect, follow up on the open loops or unresolved elements in your newsletters. Deliver on your promises and provide the closure your subscribers seek to build trust and credibility with your audience.

Make Your Emails Irresistible and Engaging

Email marketing is a great technique that can help you achieve your business goals, but only if people read your emails. 

However, standing out in crowded inboxes requires a strategic approach.

Follow the tips above to create an irresistible email newsletter that fosters meaningful relationships with your audience and achieves email marketing success for your business.

About the author:

Shanice Jones is a techy nerd and copywriter from Chicago. For the last five years, she has helped over 20 startups building B2C and B2B content strategies that have allowed them to scale their business and help users around the world.


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