Anthony Martin

Anthony is a Forbes author & a frequent expert source for publications such as Investopedia, Reuters, and more.
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Audience-Centric Marketing: How To Connect with Your Target Customers

Marketing is crucial in acquiring new customers and enhancing business growth. However, some companies struggle to interact with their potential market and boost their profits. Employing an audience-focused approach is key to achieving these...

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The Big E-commerce Cash Flow Guide: 6 Steps to Secure Your Finances

What if I told you that 82% of small businesses collapse due to poor cash flow management? That staggering statistic should make any e-commerce business owner sit up and take notice.

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Payment Gateways and Security in eCommerce: Ensuring Safe Transactions

Most card payments and transactions are now online payments. When making these payments, you'll more often than not be doing so through a payment gateway. 

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