6 Customer Acquisition and Retention Strategies for B2B SaaS

Published: | By Carl Torrence

In B2B SaaS, where it’s about offering monthly or yearly subscription plans, customers typically only pay a small portion of their overall lifetime value upfront.

The lifeblood of such businesses depends on their ability to attract, secure, and retain a large and growing customer base. 

The acquisition of new customers helps to increase recurring revenue, boosts the company's growth, and ensures sustainability over time. 

Moreover, a broad customer base increases market influence, potential cross-selling opportunities, and more robust product improvement and innovation data. 

Retaining customers is crucial for the success of your business since SaaS companies can boost profits by 25% to 95% for every 5% increase in client retention. 

As a result, focusing on client retention for your B2B offerings is as crucial as generating new leads. By fostering customer loyalty, you can increase their lifetime value (LTV) and create more opportunities for repeat purchases. 

Let's address some B2B SaaS customer acquisition and retention strategies that help grow the business.

B2B SaaS Acquisition Strategies

  1. Quality content marketing
  2. Customer testimonials and case studies
  3. Implement a free trial/freemium model

Find prospective users that fit your company's product portfolio, market presence, and long-term goals.

Such a  review mechanism determines which purchases will succeed. 

Once you have the target demographics and SaaS customer profile, leverage some of the below-mentioned strategies to pivot to customer acquisition.

1. Quality content marketing 

Content marketing is an effective way to attract potential customers by providing them with valuable information related to your product or industry. 

By creating and sharing insightful content related to your products or services, you position your company as an industry expert, a trusted advisor, and a solution provider. 

These resources can include blog posts, eBooks, whitepapers, webinars, or even visually engaging infographics.



Content marketing through storytelling around your SaaS brand becomes even more impactful when tailored to address your prospective customer's pain points. 

Show them what your product does and how it can solve their unique challenges. 

When you demonstrate your understanding of their needs and position your SaaS solution as the answer, it leads to higher lead generation and customer acquisition rates. 

This approach fosters trust, builds stronger relationships, and ultimately results in more conversions for your business.

2. Customer testimonials and case studies

Social proof can be a powerful tool in persuading potential customers to choose your product. 

Further amplifying your brand's presence and influence, leveraging customer testimonials and case studies instills trust and fosters engagement with potential clients. 

Showcasing positive feedback from satisfied customers not only substantiates the quality and utility of your offering but also facilitates a more relatable and authentic connection to your product.

Moreover, case studies offer a profound narrative of customer success stories. They meticulously delineate customers' challenges, how your product helped them overcome them, and the tangible benefits they achieved. 

By highlighting quantifiable results and in-depth usage scenarios, case studies become a persuasive tool that helps potential customers visualize the product’s efficacy in their context.

  • How to leverage case studies as a SaaS business

Website and landing pages: Share case studies on the website and landing pages to enhance credibility. These real-world examples can convince potential customers that your software can deliver results.

Sales presentations and emails: Use case studies in sales presentations and emails since they provide concrete examples to reinforce the sales pitch and boost the conversion rate by 185%.

Onboarding process: During onboarding, use case studies to highlight the best practices of successful customers, providing a clear roadmap to new users.

3. Implement a free trial/freemium model 

A free trial or freemium model can be a great way to attract potential SaaS customers and allow them to experience your product firsthand without any financial commitment. 

This tactic provides them with a risk-free avenue to understand the functionalities and potential benefits of the software, paving the way for higher user engagement.

Here are the SaaS free trial conversion benchmarks based on the industry.



However, it's not just about offering service for free but ensuring that the product exhibits compelling value to the users, even in its trial or freemium version. It entails continual product enhancement and a relentless focus on user experience.

  • How to use a free trial to benefit your SaaS business

Collect user feedback: Leverage the free trial to collect valuable feedback that helps understand the features they love, the features they don't find helpful, and the potential improvements.

Email marketing: Nurture your free trial users with targeted email campaigns that tell users about your product's features, benefits, and use cases. 

Consider an email marketing strategy to share tutorials, case studies, and success stories to help them understand how to get the most out of your product.

Segmented and personalized onboarding: Different users may require different onboarding experiences. 

Use segmentation to provide a customized onboarding experience for each user type, showing them the specific features and benefits that will be most relevant to them. It will help users see the value in your product more quickly and improve conversion rates.

Optimizing the trial length: Depending on the complexity of your product, the ideal trial length may vary. A/B tests different trial lengths to determine which leads to the highest conversion rate.

Push for upgrades: Communicate a paid subscription's additional features, support, and benefits—incentivize upgrades with special promotions or discounts.

What is a SaaS Retention Strategy?

SaaS retention strategies involve keeping existing customers engaged and active with a company's products. 

It can include strategies like personalized onboarding experiences to ensure a smooth user transition, continuous customer support, and training to solve technical issues. 

How SaaS Companies Can Retain Existing Customers

  1. Run a robust customer success program
  2. Closely monitor your SaaS product usage
  3. Build a product community

1. Run a robust customer success program 

Customer success goes beyond providing reactive customer support. It's about ensuring your customers derive the maximum value from your product, encouraging loyalty and retention. 

A robust customer success program involves comprehensive onboarding, regular check-ins, training resources, and dedicated customer success managers.


Custom image

By monitoring usage data and maintaining regular contact with customers, you can proactively identify any issues or opportunities for additional training. 

Helping customers realize their goals with your product will keep them onboard and turn them into advocates for your brand.

  • Ways to execute a customer success program

Provide continuous education: Regular webinars, tutorials, and educational content can ensure customers fully understand and make the most of your product. It maximizes the value they get from it, thereby increasing their likelihood of recommending it to others.

Provide top-notch customer support: Excellent customer support can turn customers into loyal advocates. 

Quick response times, helpful solutions, and a proactive approach can significantly enhance customer satisfaction, encouraging them to spread the word about your SaaS.

Implement a customer referral program: Happy customers are likely to refer their peers, making a customer referral program a potent acquisition strategy. Try incentivizing this process by offering discounts or other benefits for each successful referral.

2. Closely monitor your SaaS product usage 

It’s tough to spot customers who are nearing churn. NPS surveys can help identify detractors or a likely churn, but you've lost a precious customer by the time you have those insights.

In SaaS churn management, monitoring how your existing customers are using the product closely is critical. Are they facing any hurdles? Do they have any specific requirements? 

If your user isn’t utilizing the platform to the optimum level or failing to contact customer support in case of an issue, it’s a possible churn. 

Keep track of usage patterns, specifically by analyzing customer behavior towards your product and regularly monitoring any decrease in usage.

  • How to implement usage monitoring

Implement product analytics: Product analytics can help understand how customers use your product. 

It includes which features they use the most, how often they use the product and any common issues they face to provide you with insights on product improvements and customer outreach efforts.

Track key performance indicators (KPIs): Identify and monitor KPIs that align with customer success, such as active users, feature usage, session duration, and churn rate. Regular tracking lets you quickly spot any changes in usage patterns that might indicate a problem.

User journey mapping: Create user journey maps to visualize how customers interact with your product. It can highlight any points in the journey where users encounter difficulties, allowing you to address these issues proactively.

Automated alerts: Set up automated alerts to notify you when there are significant changes in a customer's usage patterns, such as a sudden drop in logins or a decrease in the use of critical features. These alerts allow you to intervene and engage with customers before they churn.

3. Build a product community 

Lastly, help your SaaS product break free from silos wherein if a single customer encounters an issue, others are prepared to guide them. 

Similarly, if one customer discovers a more efficient way to incorporate your product or service, others can benefit from this valuable insight.



Although you may have to build a platform and work as an intermediary for gathering and sharing information, it all goes towards building a product community. 

Users can access and contribute by establishing a community encompassing knowledge bases, forums, and tutorials. It creates a mutually beneficial relationship where the community can enhance your brand's reputation.

  • Quick tips to start building a SaaS product community

Identify target audience: The first step to building a product community is identifying your key users whereby you can understand their needs, challenges, and what they value most about your product. 

This information will help you create a community that meets their needs and fosters engagement.

Create a platform: Choose the right platform where your community will interact. It could be a forum on your website, a group on social media, or a channel on a chat platform

The platform should be easy to use and accessible to your target audience.

Share exclusive content: Offering exclusive content or early access to new features can incentivize users to join and stay engaged in the community.

Choose and appoint community ambassadors: If your community grows large, consider selecting community ambassadors who can help moderate discussions, assist new users, and drive engagement.

Ensure feedback response: Make sure to acknowledge and respond to user feedback. It shows that you value their input and can lead to improvements in your product that increase customer satisfaction and retention.

Wrapping Up

Gaining new customers is undoubtedly crucial for expansion, but it is equally essential to maintain existing customers for sustained, enduring triumph. 

Leveraging the aforementioned cutting-edge acquisition and retention strategies can help B2B SaaS enterprises establish a strong customer foundation, foster unwavering customer loyalty, and ultimately flourish in the fiercely competitive SaaS industry. 

A successful SaaS business in today’s competitive market requires a deep understanding of customers' needs and desires. 

Therefore, try providing value at every interaction to build a strong customer relationship and create a positive customer experience. 

Companies that can achieve this feat will undoubtedly set themselves apart, experiencing sustained growth and longevity in the market.


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