Writing an Engaging Product Description: A Product Marketing Essential

Published: | By Alex Garcia

For years, marketers have asked one question: Can an excellent product description sell a product? Look no further than Amazon. They are the masters of effective product marketing.

One of the main reasons behind its success is well-crafted product descriptions. They hook people from the beginning, so you can't stop scrolling. Want to learn how you can do it, too?

You must know your customer and build a brand-specific tone of voice. After all, global eCommerce will reach a whopping estimate of USD 6.5 trillion in sales in 2023.

 Ecommerce sales worldwide


Product descriptions are often the first interaction a customer has with your brand. They're the first thing they read and evaluate when they arrive on your website. 

You need to know whom you're writing them for to get the most out of your product descriptions.

Here's a quick list of actionable steps to craft compelling product descriptions.

10 Tips to Write Enticing Product Descriptions

Writing a great product description can be challenging, but it is the cornerstone of product marketing, so it's an essential skill if you want to increase sales.

With the help of a product description generator, you can conveniently create enticing descriptions that captivate your audience and convert them into loyal customers.

That section of your website and e-commerce store informs the reader about the product and makes them want to take the next step and purchase your product.

When planning your product description, you must consider a few things: the value within it, the audience, and "you."

Continue reading to discover how to write product descriptions that compel your buyers to choose you over your competitors every time:

1. Know your customer

Make it about the customer, not about you or your business.

The first step in writing great product descriptions is knowing who your customers are and what they want from your description.

Who are your customers? Are they all in one demographic group? Do they have similar needs? What makes them tick? These are essential questions to ask yourself before you start writing anything.

Product description-1Source

The more you understand who your customers are and what they want from the products in your eCommerce store, the easier it will be to write compelling copy that gets their attention and persuades them to buy them.

2. Build a brand tone of voice

Write your product description uniquely. Create a brand tone of voice that fits your brand's personality.

It will help guide your content creation moving forward, including blog posts, social media posts, emails, etc. It also gives you a baseline for how to write each piece of copy so that it sounds natural and not forced or unnatural.

Your brand voice is the personality that defines your business.

It can be playful or serious, funny or informative, formal or casual. The way you define your brand's voice and turn your customers into your brand advocates.

Use this tone when writing all of your copy, including product descriptions.

3. Show, don't tell

It's tempting to tell your customers about your product's features and benefits.

But this only sometimes works well because it doesn't allow their imagination to explore other possibilities. Instead, show them what they're getting into by giving them an example of how it works in real-life situations.

Weber HomeSource

Instead of telling your reader what something is and how it works, show them. Use action verbs and vivid descriptions that bring your product to life.

When describing your product, focus on what it can do for the customer, not what it is made of or how it was manufactured. For example, instead of saying, "this toy has three squeakers," say, "this toy will keep your dog busy for hours."

4. Craft a story

Write the description from the buyer's perspective. The best way to get people interested in your product is by telling them a story about what it could do for them or how it would make their lives easier or more fun.

When people read about benefits that sound too good to be true, they likely assume something isn't right with the product and move on to another company's site instead of purchasing yours.

Think greekSource

Every product has its own unique story behind it. Your customers want to know what makes your product unique:

What differentiates it from similar products?

Why should they buy it over others?

How does it solve their problems?


5. Write an easy-to-read description

Moreover, a concise and to-the-point product description provides positive user interaction with a brand. Thus, a writer should space out his sentences well, keep the sentences short and get to the point sooner rather than later. 

There are numerous cases when managers take advantage of the help of an essay rewriter such as best college essay writing service at Essaypro and create a truly outstanding description. Customers can quickly skim the product descriptions and get the necessary information.

6. Paint a picture

Form a powerful connection with the customers. Paint a picture of your product in your reader's mind by providing details about how it looks, feels, smells, and tastes.

For example: "The color is a deep red with hints of burgundy." Or "These customizable soap boxes smell like grapefruit and honey."

This kind of writing is effective because it gives your customer a clear picture of what they would look like if they bought your product and how much better their life would be afterward.

7. Use brackets & parentheses for additional information

Eliminate clutter - don't let words get in the way. Brackets and parentheses are a part of the best practices for writing enticing product descriptions and adding extra information to your product descriptions.

Use them to give more color and detail to your product descriptions, making them more powerful and enticing.

For example, if you sell a widget with a specific feature, use brackets around the feature name so that buyers know exactly what they're getting when they purchase your product.

8. Keep things short, simple, and to the point

Take the time to reread and edit what you've written. Your product descriptions should be a quick read focusing on what you want people to know about your products.

Avoid long paragraphs filled with unnecessary information. If you need more information about a particular feature or aspect of your product, then include it in an FAQ section at the end of your description.

The first sentence should be the most critical part of your copy. Here, you'll introduce your product, describe its benefits and answer any questions potential customers might have about it.

It’ll keep your customers returning to your website as it helps them efficiently with their purchase journey. 

9. Integrate keywords seamlessly throughout the copy

Analyze the competition. When people search for products online, they often look for specific terms related to their needs and wants.

Aim for just one keyword per paragraph or sentence so readers can quickly scan for keywords instead of reading through wordy paragraphs or sentences just for them.

Using keywords seamlessly is something you can master by improving your creative writing skills, as integrating keywords is as much about SEO relevance as grammatical fluidity.

By using relevant keywords in your product descriptions, you'll be able to rank higher for those searches, which means more clicks for you!

10. Write conversationally and never personally

Avoid jargon, acronyms, and slang. 67% of buyers even prefer product descriptions in their native language.

You're writing for your customers, not yourself or your company. Read your description out loud and make it sound natural. Write in the second person (you) and avoid using first-person pronouns (I, we).

Conversational writing is friendly, informal, and down-to-earth. It's an excellent way to connect with your customers and build trust and loyalty.

Wrapping Up

Fortunately, there are plenty of techniques for crafting product descriptions that sell. Follow the advice in this guide, and you will be well on your way to writing compelling product descriptions soon.

After all, a good marketing strategy starts with a great product description. And now you can be one step closer to crafting a winning description.

Author Bio

Alex Garcia is a content editor and writer at Writers Per Hour. She enjoys writing (and reading) about small business marketing, entrepreneurship, and design. When she's not writing, she's probably learning a new skill. 


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