Agile Website App Development: Delivering Web Applications with Speed

Published: | By Parichehr Parsi

Thinking of adopting agile methodologies such as Scrum or Kanban to deliver high-quality web applications faster, but you don’t know where to start?

In this blog post, we will discuss the principles and best practices of agile project management to help your team develop web apps and aid conversion optimization while maintaining better collaboration, flexibility, and customer satisfaction.

In this article:


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What is Agile Website App Development? 

Agile website application development means having an efficient and collaborative team that knows how to make website apps rock by being highly adaptable to the project scopes and striving to make things even more impressive.

Following agile website app development methodologies is about constantly improving instead of taking forever to build something and then leaving it alone. 

It means having a mindset of continuously adding new features, adjusting without any fuss, and fixing any hiccups you come across.

An agile web app development team will have different experts with unique skills. Some are awesome at making things look stunning, while others are coding professionals who ensure everything runs smoothly. 

They’re like a well-oiled machine, working together to create top-notch website application solutions and improve website traffic.

Managing such a dynamic team differs from traditional development teams' styles and strategies. 

Whether you go with physical agile project management or opt for agile project management tools, you should thoroughly understand agile project management. And no worries, because we’ve got you covered in the rest of this article. 

What is Agile Development? 

In 2001, a highly skilled team of professional developers created the concept of agile development. It’s not just about adapting to technological changes; it’s a whole collection of methodologies they put together. 

They even wrote the Manifesto for Agile Software Development to share their secrets with the world.

The core of agile development revolves around four beliefs: 

  1. Individuals and their interactions should be in control, not just tools and processes.
  2. Value a working app more than documentation.
  3. Focus on effective customer collaborations at every stage of development. 
  4. Being responsive to change is way better than sticking to a rigid plan.

Embracing change and flexibility in project management mirrors the essence of custom software development in Chicago, where solutions are meticulously crafted to adapt swiftly to evolving business landscapes and technological advancements.

Agile development flips the script compared to traditional processes. Programmers are involved right from the start in agile development. 

They tackle problems as they arise rather than making many changes just before launching the final version.

The ultimate goal of agile development is to work smarter, not harder, by creating a final product that needs very few, if any, significant changes.

Why Choose an Agile Project Management Methodology? 

Later in this blog post, you will read about the benefits of agile website application development. But now, let’s look at some interesting statistics:

Based on a survey conducted from 2015 to 2018, 91% of software developers worldwide had adopted an agile development methodology, and 88% practiced continuous integration by early 2018.

It is also worth mentioning that while we live in a world where speed, quality, and customer satisfaction speak loudly, only 46% of organizations prioritize a culture that values project management.


According to a report, despite the importance of project portfolio management, only 61% of the participants mostly or always apply a defined project methodology to each project. 

However, choosing a method for your projects is crucial if delivering high-quality web applications with speed matters to you.


Agile Web App Development Methodology and Process 

Instead of tackling one significant development process, agile breaks things down into smaller, incremental steps called “sprints.” Each sprint has its own unique goal and timeline.

Let's break down a typical sprint into its steps.

In the “Discover” phase, ideas are born, and you explore all the possibilities. 

Then comes “Design,” where the creative actions occur, and the app starts taking shape. 

Next is “Develop,” where the developers bring the design to life. The last phase is ”Test” whether everything works flawlessly.

Agile web app development embraces multiple sprints happening simultaneously, meaning that different teams work on various aspects at the same time. 

This non-linear approach sparks creativity and results in a final product that is tailor-made for what customers truly want. 

Throughout the process, there's plenty of testing and feedback from potential clients.

Rather than waiting until the end, agile website app development encourages regular testing and getting the product in front of users at different stages to get valuable customer insights.

It also invites the use of web app availability monitoring. This is particularly relevant during testing, as it gives you base level performance metrics on which to base ongoing assessments of your app.

Being tapped into availability through APM or observability tools lets you not only pinpoint problems that arise, but also have a better sense of their cause, ensuring swift troubleshooting.

Each sprint in agile web development is relatively short, usually just a week or two. It keeps things lively and ensures a steady flow of progress.

Agile Web App Development Frameworks 

Some need a more structured approach, while others thrive on flexibility. Agile development recognizes this and provides various types of workflows. Each one works best for specific kinds of projects or objectives. 

In other words, agile development allows you to pick the workflow that suits your needs.

Here are two agile web app development frameworks:

1. Scrum 

In an iterative approach like Scrum, teamwork is the name of the game, and the team has a particular leader called a Scrum Master who supports and guides them through the process. 

Here are the artifacts of the scrum framework:

  • Product Backlog: the storage of customer-focused details, functionalities, and all the changes and adjustments needed during the project's completion cycle. It's where the team finds its roadmap to success.
  • Planning Sprint: where the team plans and defines the deliverables for upcoming sprints. They map out how to complete the necessary work.
  • Sprint Backlog: a collection of the product backlogs the team targets in a specific sprint. It’s a to-do list that guides their work and keeps them on track.

Sprint is a high-energy work zone where the team brings their skills to life and turns ideas into reality. 

The unit meets daily in scrum meetings to discuss the project’s status and plan its work for the next 24 hours. 

A scrum meeting is a quick huddle where the team aligns their efforts and keeps the momentum going.

During a sprint review at the end of the sprint, the team inspects and celebrates the increments they’ve completed. They showcase their hard work and make sure everything is on track.

A scrum board can either be physical or online. Here is what an online scrum board looks like:



2. Kanban 

Kanban focuses on a “lean” process, meaning it's all about cost-effectiveness and efficiency. What sets Kanban apart from Scrum is its flexibility and lack of rigid structure. 

There are no predefined roles in Kanban, although there might be a project manager similar to the Scrum Master.

Unlike Scrum, where development happens based on set timelines, Kanban operates on a continuous delivery approach. 

Instead of having predefined projects with specific goals, Kanban embraces flexibility. Changes can happen anytime, not just before or after a sprint.

What Are the Benefits of Agile Website App Development?

  1. Better customer satisfaction
  2. More project control
  3. Fewer risks
  4. Flexibility
  5. Faster project delivery

Now that you know about agile project management, you should learn about its benefits:

1. Better customer satisfaction 


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Since customers and their direct feedback are crucial in agile web app development, they likely get the desired app they desired in the first place. 

Or, if what they wanted at the beginning of the app development process has flaws, opinion sharing during the project can provide solutions for better business decisions that bring about the best version.

2. More project control 


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Agile web development provides many collaborative opportunities for the team members as they can communicate every status in each sprint meeting. 

Since reporting and input sharing occur daily, different directions can be recognized and amended immediately. As a result, there would be more overall control over the project's progress. 

3. Fewer risks 


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According to surveys, organizations that neglect to integrate project management into their strategies face a significant increase, approximately two-thirds, in the rate of outright project failure.

In agile methodologies, it is doubtful that the team faces intolerable difficulties or failure because there is overall control over the project.

The team can adapt to unforeseen issues as they are noticed immediately, and adjusting to them is easy.

4. Flexibility 


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As we mentioned earlier, there is a framework with which to structure the agile team. 

However, much of the workload depends on the customers’ feedback, making it flexible to adjust the app versions tailored to their needs. 

5. Faster project delivery 


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Since team members and clients are on the same page, requests, and communications, in general, are more transparent. 

There is a clear understanding of customers’ ideals and the possibility of making them come true. Therefore, you can complete app development within a few weeks. 


Switching from traditional web app development to agile web app development is a change for the better. 

Given all the pros we mentioned in this article, your projects are better off with agile methodologies.

If you want to deliver high-quality web applications quickly while keeping your team members happy and customers satisfied, agile project management is here to help you. I wish you the best of luck!

Author Bio

Parichehr Parsi is an enthusiastic content creator. She currently writes for Nifty, a SAAS company offering project management software. 

Being a travel addict and workaholic shows that she lives a well-balanced life. She also loves music, reading, writing, and knitting.


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