Top 9 Hot eCommerce Trends

Published: | By Maryia Fokina

E-commerce has become more than a buzzword: the world has experienced a true eCommerce revolution in recent years.

*Updated 7/5/2024

And if history is any judge, the next 3 - 5 years will prove that it will remain an industry standard from here on out. Let's look at some of the most important trends.

We’ve come a long way since the first ever online Amazon order that was placed in 1995 for a paperback book. The world’s shopping needs and preferences have changed, and eCommerce perfectly incorporates them.

9 Key eCommerce Trends

2020 marked the beginning of the pandemic and, frankly, the beginning of the new era of eCommerce.

Now, the world of online shopping will continue to transform.

You might be mistaken if you are still trying to figure out that eCommerce is the future (and that the future is here). eCommerce is evolving, and it’s here to stay. However, some questions remain.

What will this year bring into the world of eCommerce? What are the recent developments? How to succeed in this competitive field?

Look no further! Below you will find all the most important eCommerce trends. Learn what they are, maximize your sales, and take your business to the next level.

Top eCommerce Trends_TidioSource

1. Video shopping

The amount of video content people consume nowadays is more significant than ever.

In 2022, an average user spends about 100 minutes per day watching videos on TikTok.

Besides the negative consequences for society’s mental health, such video consumption opens up many opportunities for eCommerce. Video shopping is the concept explaining the usage of video content in marketing and PR.

The good news is that it offers many business opportunities, and your content doesn’t have to be boring and repetitive. On the contrary, the possibilities are endless. 

Video-sharing platforms are exploding with content, and sooner or later, eCommerce owners will have to catch up. For example, there are product videos with close-ups and 360-degree views of the product, live streams, video influencers incorporating products into their daily vlogs, and more.

2. User-Generated Content (UGC)

Today, like never before, people value brands that speak to them in the same language.

Personalization, similar values, transparency, and respect for the customer are the things no eCommerce store can do without nowadays. It’s led to the rise of user-generated content for eCommerce, and it seems that it’s here to stay.

User-generated content is social media posts based on customers sharing their experiences, opinions, and decisions related to specific products.

According to the Feed Marketing Report 2022, for over 54% of sellers, social channels are a vital revenue stream despite the lower purchase intent on social media.

Unfortunately, many eCommerce brands let such content waste by not sharing it through their channels. This is a big mistake. 

It’s a big field for exploration, and mastering user-generated content will surely bring success to eCommerce stores in the near future. What are some ways to use such content?

Some good practices include dedicating a page to user-generated content, integrating Instagram with your website, and setting up social media and email marketing campaigns to show off user-generated content and encourage customers to post more of it. 

3. Climate-conscious shopping

According to the research done by PWC, around three out of ten consumers say that environmental factors can influence their decision whether to purchase something. And these numbers will only rise as climate change accelerates and more people become more environmentally conscious. 

Undoubtedly, to be a successful eCommerce business, it’s vital to take environmentally conscious action. Step up your game and do at least one eco-friendly activity for your business.

For instance, you can buy from fair-trade organizations or donate to organizations working to protect the environment.

In any case, green consumerism is the way to go. Take real action, and don’t forget to spread the word about it - your customers will be grateful to you, and you will make your contribution to protecting the environment.

4. Excellent customer service

This one is obvious: customers are picky and demanding regarding customer service. Moreover, according to statistics, quality customer support has become a deciding factor when buying from a particular place. 

There are AI-powered solutions for eCommerce, like chatbots, self-service tools, live chats, ticketing systems, and more.

The market is exploding with automated customer service tools so that any eCommerce store can find something suitable. Alternatively, transfer customer service data to a desirable solution.

Customer service integration toolsSource

Stellar customer support is becoming a must for all eCommerce stores. It helps to generate leads, improve retention, reduce customer churn, and turn your shoppers into loyal brand advocates.

So, if you haven’t done so already, now is the time to make customer service your priority. 

5. Mobile commerce optimization

People have become accustomed to doing everything on their phones, including shopping. No wonder: it’s convenient, fast, and reliable.

In fact, according to estimations, by 2025, mobile phone sales should make up nearly half of all US retail eCommerce sales.


Business owners can’t ignore those predictions. Every eCommerce store should make an effort to optimize the experience for users shopping with phones and tablets at every step of their purchase journey. 

When it comes to mobile commerce, love is in the details.

Optimize your website, store pages, payment options, email newsletters, and other things you implement for mobile phones and tablets, and you are in for success. Projections for consumer spending on mobile phones will be record-breaking, so you can’t miss out on this opportunity.

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6. AI in eCommerce

Artificial Intelligence influences every aspect of life and business, and eCommerce is no exception. Statistics show 90% of organizations already use AI and plan to continue to scale.

There are plenty of AI solutions that can be helpful when it comes to eCommerce stores. From chatbots to virtual try-on tools to visual search options, AI comes in handy for store owners and their clients.

AI in eCommerce is here to stay, and eCommerce stores must use it best.

Both eCommerce and AI are revolutionizing many of our experiences. Combined, they create a powerful duo to take shopping to the next level.

7. Metaverse and VR shopping 

The Metaverse is an elegant “digital dance” melting together physical, augmented, and virtual reality. This computer-generated environment has plenty of possibilities for eCommerce.

While experimental, they will be pioneers in future successes. 3D images make the shopping experience more enjoyable, and VR and Metaverse together can take it to the next level.

Working with a metaverse development company can help eCommerce businesses create immersive virtual shopping experiences that revolutionize customer engagement.

Experiencing a digital world of this kind will initially overwhelm many shoppers. Still, brands shouldn’t fear this - it won’t be long before it might become society’s new favorite way to shop.

8. Fast delivery

When COVID-19 hit the world, the possibility of delivery became the deciding factor for many shoppers. Now, more than delivery is needed - it has to be fast. 

Many users are ready to put customer experience ahead of pricing when purchasing from a specific place. Customer experience includes fast and convenient delivery with plenty of options from which to choose.

The truth is, the faster you can get your product to the customer, the higher the chances they will purchase from you. If this hasn’t been your priority so far, now can be the time you work on your delivery options and reduce per mile costs to be ahead of the competition.

9. More personalization

E-commerce (and, frankly, any business) success always comes down to establishing good relationships with your customers. Without this, you will have a hard time winning new clients, and the old ones will not return, choosing other stores over you.

To establish great relationships with your customers, make their experience as personalized as possible. Even small details matter; word spreads fast when people learn about something great. 

Personalization will help you build your brand image, increase conversion rates, establish your reputation as a great company, and help your target customers fall in love with your brand.

It is worth a lot now that eCommerce shops are abundant and competing for every customer.


With so many technological advancements, changing preferences, and social media influence, it’s crucial to keep an eye on those trends to build a successful eCommerce business. 

User-generated content, video shopping, environmentally-conscious decisions, mobile optimization, use of AI, fast delivery, and other trends can become game-changers for your eCommerce business.

You don’t have to adopt all those trends at the same time.

However, you should be aware of them and ready to be flexible to offer the best experience for your customers. This way, now will be a truly successful time for you.


Author Bio

Maryia Fokina is a PR and Content Specialist at Tidio. She writes about marketing, business growth, and everything SaaS. She enjoys working with tech companies and helping them grow through quality outreach. You can connect with her on Linkedin.


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