Three Essential Content Marketing Channels For Your B2B Business

Published: | By Abhishek Talreja

Online channels are critical to B2B marketing success. But that statement tells you only half the story.

Quality content starts with having something compelling to say and using masterful storytelling. Long-lasting marketing wins depend on the platforms you choose to publish your content—focus matters most.

Be resolute with publishing branded content on the proper channels, and you can squeeze the most out of every content marketing dollar. 

Three Content Marketing Channels for Excellent Growth

1. Business blogging

Blogging is an evergreen strategy to build awareness among the target audience. 

Studies show that 71% of B2B buyers consume blog content during their buyer journey. As a B2B business owner, you can use business blogging to build thought leadership and earn qualified leads

Blog title example-1(Source)

A triumphant blogging strategy starts with defining your target audience and their key challenges. 

The next step is to solve those problems with authoritative content. That will help build a content audience that results in a regular inflow of leads and sales. 

Make an effort to align blog content with a distinct brand voice. A unique voice turns content into a memorable experience and attracts higher engagement and shares. 

Don’t forget to complement business blogging with occasional guest posts on authority niche websites. Also, work on strategic outreach to generate quality backlinks for high-traffic blog posts. 

Promoting blog content on social media is an excellent way to build a community around branded content and achieve the desired engagement. 

Another fantastic way to reach larger audiences with your blog content is content syndication. This process helps you get third-party sites and networks to republish your content on their platforms. 

The truth is that blogging works. And it’s still one of the topmost strategies to grow your business. If you don’t have a dedicated blog page on your website, you can easily add a microblog plugin app from POWR to suit your needs.

2. LinkedIn organic

LinkedIn is a platform you can’t afford to miss when targeting B2B buyers. The social platform has grown to over 800 million active monthly users. 

LinkedIn introductions provide an avenue to cultivate a personal brand and convert prospects into customers. Here are straightforward tips for B2B marketers and business owners to establish themselves for success on LinkedIn.

  • Optimize your profile 

Make sure to optimize your profile to attract the right people to your list of connections and followers.

A simple way is to use a profile headline that tells people what you do. A compelling headline helps you tell prospects how you can help them. 

LinkedIn profile example(Source)

Add a dashing and happy profile picture. For that, you can try Picsart’s profile picture maker. Make sure your face is visible in it. The LinkedIn background photo is another tool to brand your profile and make it stand out. 

Don’t forget to showcase your skills and website link on your LinkedIn profile. Use the profile summary to highlight your experience and what you’re building. 

LinkedIn profile example 2(Source)

  • Publish content often

Publishing snackable content has become a new rage on LinkedIn. Post expert snippets daily, and you can become a star on this platform. 

Try experimenting with different content formats like polls, memes, and image posts to spice up LinkedIn content. Here are some ideas for your LinkedIn content calendar:

Tell the story of what you achieved and how you got there. Sharing your journey with the audience is the best way to share unique perspectives and knowledge.

Create a post with a bunch of valuable resources. For example, you can share links to blog posts, videos, or online courses to help your connections learn something new. 

Talk about what you learned when you failed at something. Plus, how those pitfalls helped you become a better professional.

Take a stand by sharing an opinion that may be slightly unpopular. Touching upon controversial topics can fetch unprecedented attention and engagement. 

You did something different, and it worked—create and share a post. Here’s an interesting example:

LinkedIn post example(Source)

Ensure you add a call-to-action whenever you publish a small content piece on LinkedIn. It’s the best way to get people to follow you on the platform or DM you for help.  

Be consistent with publishing expert content. If you don’t have the bandwidth, you can consider hiring a professional ghostwriter who can become your voice on this platform. 

  • Interact with your prospects

Starting conversations on LinkedIn is the right way to build a network of like-minded professionals. Write comments on posts you find valuable. Commenting on LinkedIn helps build meaningful connections.

LinkedIn comments section example(Source)

When writing comments, make an effort to add value to the conversation. Reply to everyone who adds a comment on your LinkedIn post updates. 

Tag and mention those whose content you enjoy the most. It’s an excellent way to thank them for their efforts. Create a post about their expertise and how their content inspired you in your journey. 

Once you have interacted with a prospect, it’s easy to turn them into a connection. Success on LinkedIn is a lot about empathizing with connections and building lasting relationships with them.  

3. Short video content 

Video is another format that can help you break through the content clutter and build a faithful audience. 

  • Short-form video works for B2B SaaS

Most people nowadays have low attention spans. According to a Vidyard study, 52 percent of viewers finish watching a video in under a minute.

The same research shows that around 60 percent of videos are less than two minutes long. Short videos offer the opportunity to say more in less time and provide quick infotainment to busy professionals. 

Now, look at some interesting short video content types that can give wings to B2B content marketing.

  • Use different video types 

Create a short video to tell the audience how the service intends to solve their problems. It’s a great way to induce trials and generate fresh leads.

Look at this example from Slack, the popular team communication application.

What is Slack? Youtube video

Create a simple video to tell your brand story to your target audience. Educational video content is another intelligent way to create awareness about products and services.

You can create an infographic video to share the latest industry trends with your viewers. Are you looking to convert decision-stage buyers?

Then, you can create a short FAQ video that answers typical queries about your services. This is a vital video type if you’re looking to attract high-quality leads with video content

Record one of your happy customers to create a quick testimonial video that gives plenty of social proof to prospective customers.

Here’s a good example from Freshbooks, a popular invoicing and time-tracking tool for freelancers and small businesses. 

FreshBooks Customer Testimonial Youtube video

  • Work on your hook 

Remember, if you can catch their attention, you can convert them into followers and customers. Here are some exciting ways to hook the audience at the beginning of a video.

Share a startling fact to reveal something unknown or lesser-known. Go straight into the problem and use a unique character to showcase the audience's pain points.

Make it spicy by adding humor and starting with a joke. Add weight to your beginning by using a famous quote. Create quality short videos, and you can turn your content marketing into a pot of gold. 

Final Thoughts 

The internet has many content marketing opportunities, but you must choose the right ones. And when you do, you’ll realize that you’re on the path to getting the best business outcomes with the least possible investment.


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