Salesforce vs WooCommerce: Which Platform is Best for Your Business?

Published: | By Jithu Rawal

Choosing the right platform for your operations, such as CRM or e-commerce, can go a long way in determining the success of your business in today’s world. Salesforce and WooCommerce are two of the most popular platforms that are known for their effectiveness.

However, they are not the same and have different applications and hence they are used in different business processes. This article is a comparison of both the platforms to help you identify which one of them is more suitable for your business.

What is Salesforce?


Source: Martech

Salesforce is a cloud computing application software that is mainly used for CRM or customer relationship management. Salesforce was established in 1999 and has grown over the years to provide a range of cloud solutions for sales, marketing, customer service, and other functions.

Its primary advantage is in aggregating data from different departments and offering a comprehensive view of the customer, which can help organizations improve their relationship management.

Some of the products offered by Salesforce are Sales Cloud, Marketing Cloud, Service Cloud, Commerce Cloud, etc. These tools are intended for use in business for the automation of the processes, increasing the level of customer interaction, and boosting sales.

Salesforce is the CRM solution that is most preferred by companies that need a robust and highly automated and analytical CRM tool.

In order to unlock the full potential of Salesforce, most companies seek Salesforce development services to customize the platform for their requirements.

What is WooCommerce?


Source: Rockstarmarketing

WooCommerce is a robust and flexible, WordPress-based e-commerce plugin.

Established in 2011, WooCommerce has been able to capture the market due to its simple, user friendly interface, flexibility and its effortless integration with WordPress. It allows users to set up and run eCommerce stores and provides tools for product catalog, ordermanagement, and order fulfillment.

Another strength of WooCommerce is that it is an open-source software that can be easily modified. There are thousands of plugins and themes that can help businesses to enhance the functionality of their online store.

For e-commerce businesses, WooCommerce is a flexible and scalable platform that can meet the demands of these businesses. By using WooCommerce development services, companies can improve their online stores and increase revenue as well as customer satisfaction.

WooCommerce vs. Salesforce


Source: Techilaservices

To give a simple comparison of Salesforce and WooCommerce, we will look at their various features.

Factors to Consider Before Choosing

To make the right decision between Salesforce and WooCommerce, there are certain factors that you need to consider.

  • Business needs

The first and perhaps the most important of them is the identification of your business requirements.

If your main concern is customer relationship management, lead tracking, and marketing automation, then Salesforce would be more suitable for your needs. It is especially useful for companies that require a powerful CRM system for handling a vast number of clients and sophisticated sales funnels.

On the other hand, if your business is mainly selling products online, then WooCommerce is the best option. Its ecommerce functionalities will enable you to create and manage an online store with a lot of ease.

Also, with the help of WooCommerce development services, you can enhance your store to suit certain needs that you or your clients may have.

  • Budget

Budget is another factor that cannot be ignored. Salesforce is a paid service where the cost of subscription depends on the features required and the number of users.

Although it provides a wide range of features, the expenses may accumulate, which can be disadvantageous for small businesses.

Being an open source e-commerce plugin, WooCommerce is free to use. But, to take full advantage of the platform, you may have to spend some money on premium plugins, themes, and perhaps, WooCommerce development services.

Nevertheless, WooCommerce is comparatively cheaper, especially for small businesses.

  • Customization and Flexibility

If your business requires a highly customized solution, both platforms offer extensive customization options.

Salesforce offers extensive configurability if you hire Salesforce development services, allowing you to adapt the platform to your specific operations. This is most beneficial for the big corporations that have unique preferences.

Since WooCommerce is an open-source platform, it allows you to customize the design and functioning of your online store as you wish. It has thousands of plugins and themes, which allow you to change the design and the functionality of your store.

Through WooCommerce development services, you can add custom functionalities to your store and improve its speed and efficiency.

Source: Eshopsync

  • Scalability

Scalability is very important especially for businesses that are rapidly expanding.

Salesforce is designed in such a way that it can easily accommodate development and can be used by companies that are expecting to grow quickly.

As a cloud-based platform, it leverages the advantages and disadvantages of cloud computing. Because it can serve a large number of users and data without any significant performance issue, it is suitable for growing companies.

WooCommerce is also scalable but in a different sense. Its scalability depends on the hosting environment and the plugins that have been installed. Thus, for companies planning to expand, it will be essential to choose a reliable hosting and use WooCommerce development services to enhance the store’s structure.

  • Support and Community

The support and community resources available can greatly affect your experience with a platform.

Salesforce also provides support such as training materials and a large pool of certified developers. This means that in case of any problem, it can be easily and quickly fixed.

Unlike Salesforce, WooCommerce does not have official support but it has a big community of users and developers.

Since WooCommerce is an open-source platform, it has many resources, forums, and third-party developers who can help with WooCommerce development to solve any issue that may come up.


1. In which markets do WooCommerce and Salesforce Commerce Cloud compete?

They compete in the E-commerce Platform and Customer Engagement markets.

2. How does the market share of WooCommerce compare to Salesforce Commerce Cloud in the E-commerce Platform market?

WooCommerce holds a much larger market share compared to Salesforce Commerce Cloud.

3. Which countries have the highest number of WooCommerce and Salesforce Commerce Cloud customers?

WooCommerce is most popular in the United States, United Kingdom, and Germany, while Salesforce Commerce Cloud has more customers in the United States, France, and the United Kingdom.


Salesforce and WooCommerce are two different platforms, and the choice between the two will depend on your business needs.

Salesforce shines as a CRM solution, providing its users with the most effective tools for customer engagement, process optimization, and business growth. It is suitable for large organizations that need a powerful CRM tool and are ready to spend some money for it.

However, WooCommerce is the ideal plugin for businesses that are solely into e-commerce.

Its versatility, simplicity and numerous settings make it perfect for small and medium sized companies that are seeking to create an online presence.


Author Bio

Jithu Rawal is a freelancer with over 5 years of experience in SEO and content strategy. He specializes in shaping brand stories and creating engaging strategies that captivate audiences and enhance online experiences.

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