Eight Techniques to Improve Online Reviews This Peak Season

Published: | By Pohan Lin

Having a good online reputation encourages users to trust your business, boosting its credibility and, ultimately, your sales. 

However, a solid product isn’t enough to establish and sustain a strong online presence. 

Believing you’re good doesn’t help either: what matters is how highly your clients rate you. Their opinions are the only ones that matter because they’re the ones making purchases.

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Online reviews are among the most influential factors in a consumer’s choice to buy in today's digital world. The reasoning behind this is clear—no advertising campaign could ever rival the genuine advice that reviews provide.

Other marketing channels, like word-of-mouth recommendations, are also important, but online reviews are nonetheless weighty.

People want to know they can trust brands, and their digital footprint—including other factors like choosing the right .io domain names—heavily influences this. Getting it right can do wonders for both the reputation and bottom line of businesses.

So, improving your online presence and encouraging positive feedback are two of the most important things you can do as this peak season approaches. Here, we’ll show you how to take advantage of this powerful sales and marketing tool during the busiest time of the year.



Do Positive Online Reviews Contribute to Brand Success?

Positive online reviews are more than just nice things people say; they’re essential to the success of a brand in today's digital world.

As more of us use the internet to research what to buy, it’s impossible to overstate the importance of trying to improve them. Here's a closer look at how positive reviews can contribute to the overall success of your business.

  • They encourage repeat business


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    • Good reviews not only bring in new customers but help you keep existing ones, too. Happy customers are more likely to buy from you again, which is good for your brand in the long run.
    • Building a loyal customer base through positive reviews also ensures that people will continue to support and talk about your brand.
  • They build trust and credibility

    • Positive reviews show people considering buying from you that other shoppers have had good experiences with your brand.
    • Trust is crucial when deciding what to buy. Good reviews help build it, making people more likely to choose your products or services over your less-reviewed competitors.
  • They can increase visibility and attract new customers

    • Search engines often give more weight to businesses with good reviews, which helps them rank higher in search results.
    • For instance, a web user searching for a data engineering certificate training course will likely pick a provider with more positive than negative reviews.
  • They can influence consumer behavior

    • Consumers often believe what other shoppers have to say. As positive reviews can directly shape people's decisions and the likelihood of them trusting you, they’re more inclined to choose your brand over competitors.
    • Positive reviews can also make people feel more connected to you, which can change their behavior and make them more loyal.



  • They can boost conversion rates

    • Customers are more likely to buy something after reading positive reviews. When visitors see glowing feedback about your products, it encourages them to take the leap and purchase.
    • Additionally, you have a better chance of converting leads into paying customers if they can see reviews from others who are happy with their decision to buy.
  • They can differentiate your brand from its competitors

    • When there are a lot of similar products on the market, good reviews can help differentiate your business. They show consumers what makes your brand unique and help it build a more positive image.
    • Consistently good customer experiences will make your brand stand out from the crowd, giving it an edge in the eyes of picky consumers especially.

Eight Tips to Boost Your Brand’s Online Reviews

Now, let’s take a look at how you can boost your brand’s online reviews.

1. Optimize your business profile on review sites

Taking charge of your social media accounts and listings on popular review platforms is the first step in improving your scores.

Consider utilizing tools like a form builder plugin to easily gather customer feedback and testimonials directly on your website. 

Additionally, implementing dynamic webforms can offer versatility in capturing diverse customer insights and preferences by allowing for customizable fields, interactive elements, and real-time feedback options.

The first impression is the most important when it comes to winning consumer trust.

So, before they even check out feedback from other customers, ensure you optimize your profile with great images, content, and information about your brand. The better your visibility online, the greater the probability that people will leave reviews for your business.

Improving your Google Business Profile is an excellent initial step.

This is crucial because most of your clients will use Google to find your services before they ever get around to clicking on and visiting your website.

Ensuring your profile on Google reviews reflects the best of your brand can significantly impact your online reputation and attract more positive feedback.


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Much like following blog writing tips to boost your SEO rankings, optimizing your profile can be tedious.

However, the results it delivers are worth the effort, and customers are generally more inclined to provide feedback if your profile is well-populated. Claiming your company's page on review platforms such as Yelp and TripAdvisor also offers several benefits.

2. Ask customers to leave reviews

To encourage as many positive reviews as possible, you must first nudge your customers to share their experiences with your brand.

One mistake business owners make is assuming people will tell them what they think of their products and services even when they haven’t been asked to. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case.



Not all customers will bother writing reviews about your products, and in many cases, the bulk of reviews you will get will be from dissatisfied customers with negative opinions about their experiences, hoping to prompt a resolution or action from you. 

So, make it clear that people’s experiences, good and bad, matter a lot to your business. You can utilize your customer marketing strategies to engage with your customer base effectively and prompt them to leave reviews that reflect their positive experiences.

3. Reward customers for sharing reviews

You also won’t get very far if you depend on customers leaving reviews purely for the sake of helping you. Doing so involves expending time and effort, so try offering rewards to encourage feedback.

You can often get away with offering something that’s only potentially valuable, like a chance to enter a prize draw.

There is, however, the option of providing discounts on future purchases or loyalty points instead, which can be a more effective way to encourage prospects through your lead funnel and prompt future purchases from them.  

For example, a 10% discount voucher applied to their next transaction will motivate most customers to write an online review for your brand.

4. Collect buyer email addresses and follow up


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One of the best ways to prompt a review is to ask customers for their contact information when they next purchase.

You can then send a polite follow-up email around a week or so later, thanking them for choosing your product and politely requesting that they leave feedback on relevant platforms.

This will not only prompt them to act but can encourage greater engagement and loyalty in the long term as it suggests you care about what they think and their opinions matter to you. 

5. Offer great customer service


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Companies with stellar customer service tend to have higher review scores, which makes sense given that modern consumers value customer experience highly. Your buyers should feel valued, and their experience should underpin all your key decisions.

One reason it’s crucial to deliver excellent service is that customers often complain about bad experiences and are more likely to leave negative reviews than positive ones.

Offering relevant customer support channels, reducing wait and response times, and actively closing the feedback loop with customers are all ways to enhance your service and discourage them from feeling the need to blacken your name online.

6. Create personalized customer experiences

Personalization goes beyond addressing customers by name; it's about tailoring interactions to their preferences and needs. When they feel a brand understands and values them as individuals, they’re more likely to reciprocate with positive reviews. 

Here's how to create personalized customer experiences:

  • Customer segmentation

    • Divide your customer base into segments based on demographics, behavior, and preferences.
    • Tailor communications, promotions, and interactions according to each segment's unique characteristics.
  • Personalized recommendations

    • Leverage technologies like Spark SQL, which provides an efficient platform for processing and analyzing customer data.
    • Use this data to provide personalized product or service recommendations.
    • Highlight exclusive offers or benefits based on purchase histories and browsing behaviors.

7. Run contests and giveaways to encourage participation

Contests and giveaways are powerful tools for not only boosting engagement but also generating positive reviews. By creating a sense of excitement and incentive, you can inspire customers to share their experiences and opinions. 

Here's how to run effective contests and giveaways:

  • Have clear objectives and rules

    • Clearly define the objectives of the contest or giveaway, whether it's promoting a new product, celebrating a milestone, or gathering reviews.
    • Establish transparent rules to ensure fairness and compliance.
  • Choose engaging prizes

    • Offer prizes that resonate with your target audience and align with your brand.
    • Consider prizes that encourage social sharing, such as tagging friends or sharing photos.
  • Leverage social media platforms

    • Promote contests or giveaways on social media platforms to reach a wider audience.
    • Encourage participants to follow, share, and engage with your brand on social channels.
  • Showcase winners and results

    • Announce winners publicly, showcasing their experiences and testimonials.
    • Share the positive impact of the contest or giveaway on your brand and thank participants for their contributions.

8. Check reviews regularly


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Your overall rating is arguably the most essential item on a review page, so it’s best to keep an eye on this figure. Any drop in your score indicates that you have a problem that needs fixing. 

This is also an excellent way to track the growth and progress of your online reputation.

Many specialist marketing and social media tools now have built-in growth management capabilities if you don’t have the time or inclination to track this manually.

These services make it super easy to ask people to review your products and allow you to keep an eye on important feedback trends.


In the quest to improve online reviews ahead of the 2024 peak season, the techniques outlined above can serve as powerful tools to strengthen your digital reputation.

Every tip we’ve included, from enhancing your customer service strategies to optimizing online platforms, contributes to a comprehensive approach aimed at maximizing positive feedback and driving brand success.


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