Brand Growth Strategy: How Link Building Creates Connections

Published: | By Daniel Martin

Communication is rapidly evolving with technological advancements. Aside from chatting with people online or commenting on posts, link-building is another way to connect communities. 

In this article, we will explore how technology is changing how we connect and how link-building plays a role.

Link Building: An Overview



Link building is the act of embedding a URL from another website in content (anchor text) on your website. 

Quality link building involves guest posting, directory submissions, link exchanges, and other strategies. 

Link-building services or SEO agencies can integrate links to your website. 

It turns your website into a reliable source, raising its SEO ranking. If the site’s SEO ranking reaches high enough, it will drive much traffic.

What Role Does Link-Building Play in Forming Connections?

Before we delve into the topic of forming connections with link building, let’s first answer how technology has changed how we connect. 

As technology progressed, communication and connection became much easier than before. Smartphones, messenger apps, email sending, and the like have made it easier to reach out to people.

Compared to the past, you can go online, find contacts, and reach out to them instantly. Reach out to them, and send them a message. Wait for their response and reply. Repeat this process until your conversation ends.

With that said, How does link-building contribute to connecting people? 

Steps for an Effective Link-Building Strategy

  • Find like-minded professionals 

Whenever you’re pursuing organic link building, you could bump into site masters or admins who share your mindset. 

They could share the same vision or objectives as you do, making them attractive sources of backlinks.

Aside from backlinks, they can also become valuable business partners if you forge a connection with them.

For example, you run a business that sells cosmetics and beauty products. The sites you want to turn into backlinks are blogs focusing on fashion, beauty, and cosmetics. You’ll need to keep in mind that both sides are going to benefit in the long run.

If you’re unfamiliar with the how-tos of link building, you could compile these websites you’re interested in first. 

You’ll use this list of sites for outreach campaigns to get backlinks from them later.

  • Establish a connection 



Before delving into quality link building, you’d want to email the targeted site admins or owners. Introduce yourself, and be authentic. 

You can use email templates to send messages to these site owners before getting a backlink. 

It's important to note that there is no guarantee at this stage - site admins or owners may accept or reject your request. If they decline, graciously accept their decision and move on to the next opportunity.

Creating connections with the website owners that you’re interested in has no “magic sauce” to make it happen. 

Obtaining their backlinks may take time, as they’ll need to think it through first. If they believe granting you a backlink will benefit both sides, the site owners will let you know.

Once they accept your offer, consider finding an ideal link-building service agency. Mention the sites that have granted you a backlink if you’re unfamiliar with doing it yourself. 

That way, they’ll do their work setting up the backlinks as you continue nurturing your connections.

  • Keep it a two-way information channel 

As you offer your suggestions, be open to the other side's opinions. Let them state their thoughts regarding your idea of growing your online presence and theirs. 

For example, both parties may agree that their writers can write guest blogs on your website. In turn, writers from your website can create guest content on theirs.

Established connections can serve as valuable business partners. Some of the site masters that you may have come into contact with through organic link-building could have more relationships. 

You could tap into their connections to form more strategic business partners.

  • Organic link-building connects communities 


Organic link-building plays a role in connecting two different communities. On one side, you have your existing follower base; on the other, you have individuals who originate from the external link. 

By placing a link that directs to your website, you make their visitors curious about it.

It’s like bridging two communities and sparking their curiosity about what’s on the other side. 

Take note that this exchange of visitors can positively affect both sides. Your website and the backlink will grow together through this exchange of visitors.

In Summary

Organic link-building influences connections between people in four words - Search, Connect, Nurture, and Growth

Search’ refers to finding like-minded people who share your vision and philosophy. 

Connect’ is to establish contact with the website you’re interested in backlinking with. 

Nurture’ refers to maintaining and strengthening the connection you've formed. You ensure your communication with the backlink owner is a two-way channel. 

Growth’ is when you incorporate link-building into your digital marketing campaigns, and drive traffic to your website and theirs, which improves both website’s SEO health.

Start listing out all the sites you wish to obtain backlinks from and then reach out to them. 

Get in touch with a link-building consultant and make your brand flourish!

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