9 Ways to Sell More Products on Your eCommerce Store

Published: | By George Mathew

Promote your online store using eCommerce marketing tools for your business or drive sales for specific products. We will discuss nine tips to sell more products on your eCommerce store.

A holistic approach to eCommerce marketing makes use of off-page and on-page tactics. Marketing is an essential piece of the eCommerce operations puzzle.

What is eCommerce Marketing?

When you use promotional tactics to drive massive traffic to your online stores, you are now eCommerce marketing. You then aim to convert that traffic into customers and retain those customers even after the purchase.

9 Tactics to Drive More eCommerce Sales

1. Invest in SEO

Tactics that revolve around optimizing your online store are considered eCommerce SEO. With this, the goal is to rank your product pages in the top 10 results on search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing.

SEO brings organic free traffic to your site. There are a few ways to bring this traffic:

Do keyword research and include keywords inside page URLs, product descriptions, and blog post content. For example, this post on Zoom has pictures and effective use of keywords throughout the copy and in the site URL too.

Optimize the site structure and create a great user experience. For example, Designhill offers a free logo creator. Anyone can use this to create great logos online, which is excellent for user experience.

Designhill landing pageSource

Build backlinks from excellent websites and start appearing for popular search terms when you do keyword research and optimization well. The search term has over 44,000 searches a month. By optimizing for the target term and getting reviews for your product, you will be able to rank for that term. For example, here are the SERPs for the search term men’s yoga pants.

Google SERP

2. Run influencer marketing campaigns

Influencer marketing is a solid way to accelerate the growth of your eCommerce business. It helps you access a new audience and work with creators to drive sales.

Influencers are mini-celebrities who act as brand ambassadors for your brand. They can promote your brand in exchange for free products, money, or massive discounts. But there are also some influencers who purchased Tiktok likes and followers, so you must check this before working with them.

amanda.ghees instagram postSource

Most marketers say influencer marketing is highly effective. Moreover, Instagram is the most popular channel, and 67% of brands use this channel.

Influencer marketing helps you access relevant customers. People who follow an influencer like and share posts from influencers. They want to buy and use stuff these influencers use.

Promoting products with the help of influencers shortens the sales cycle.

3. Sell your products through marketplaces

Marketplaces are where the majority of us shop online. Amazon and eBay can make it easy for people to discover your brand. It improves your reach and helps you reach millions of people.

There are always things like marketplace fees and other things to be aware of before entering the marketplace. Many of us wouldn’t shop anywhere except on marketplaces like Amazon. Over the years, they captured the popular sentiment and established themselves as marketplace juggernauts.

That’s why marketplaces are supposed to complement your brand’s online presence and are not the sole driver of sales. Create listings that showcase your brand. Add branded packaging to encourage people to visit your site and buy from there.

4. Create a TikTok strategy

Today TikTok should be an integral part of the eCommerce marketing plan. With one billion monthly users and many more interesting stats, TikTok is as powerful as Facebook or even more so.

Businesses that thrive here publish original content. Raw and authentic videos get more exposure and engagement than edited content. The TikTok experience is unique and strengthens your relationship with the audience, which allows you to get more followers on TikTok and sales.

  • TikTok’s algorithm pushes content from creators that you have never seen before.
  • The user interface, or UI, is created in a way to derive maximum engagement.
  • TikTok's discovery engine is content first, designed to help videos go viral irrespective of follower counts.

Over half of Tiktokers have made purchases from brands on the app. Again, to be famous on TikTok, you need to be creative and original and post content regularly.

5. Upsell your products

An example of upselling is when someone asks you to buy something that complements your initial order. This approach is a slightly better model than what you were initially considering.

Upselling and cross-selling are more cost-effective than spending your resources targeting a new person. Most customers don’t know if a premium product is available that suits their needs.

A good marketing automation software can help you upsell products through emails. If you're using the Shopify platform for your eCommerce store, make sure the check the latest Shopify upsell apps.

tailwind sign up pageSource

There are two things to understand when upselling:

  • The upsells must be related to the original product.
  • The price surge can make specific customers uncomfortable. So be sensitive to that.

The product has to meet and exceed the customer’s original needs. The anchor price is what customers take note of as it becomes the number against which they compare other products. They may not be pleased to find a more expensive product.

6. Integrate Instagram into your marketing mix

Instagram has 500 million daily active users and is one of the fastest-growing social apps.

If you take great photos, use hashtags, and post at the correct times to build a massive Instagram following quickly. The key to success on Instagram is engaging with your followers. Look at Charlottle Tilbury’s account.

charlottetillburys instagram postSource

Try running contests or showcasing behind-the-scenes videos. You can also pay to run ads for your video on the channel. Instagram posts, stories, and reels let you add products to the posts and can increase your sales.

7. Reduce cart abandonment

You will only lose money whenever someone abandons their cart after completing their purchase.

It’s a well-studied phenomenon. Website visitors often add items to carts but abandon these carts during checkout. According to studies, over 69.82% of shopping carts are left abandoned.

Directly address customer hesitations because shoppers who abandon carts must be reminded to complete their purchase.

One way to reduce the frequency of people abandoning carts is by creating email campaigns aimed at cart recovery. And many strategies will help you recover 64% of lost sales in abandoned cart recovery.

All you have to do is do some research and implement them the right way!

8. Create SMS text campaigns

Send promotional SMS messages to both current and prospective customers through SMSes. These messages can inform them about special offers, promos, updates, alerts, and more.

ECommerce is the most successful industry that uses SMS marketing. If you run eCommerce stores, you can send SMS texts for:

  • Abandoned cart recovery
  • Cross-selling and upselling
  • Sales promotions
  • Exclusive offers
  • Reviews
  • Customer support like IVR, chatbot, etc.

9. Get more email subscribers

Email marketing is the most effective channel for generating sales and getting more customers.

There are too many Instagram posts and TikTok videos. People are still protective of their inboxes compared to their social feeds. Email lets you say things you may not want to say on social media.

Plus, email gives you a secure platform to connect on owned media. Social media can close your account or ban you on the platform, and all the followers you gained over time go to waste. But that isn’t the case with email subscribers.

You should first get people on your email list with the proper email delivery, and knowing more about CPM in email marketing, including how to use a CPM calculator can be a good start.


Investing in SEO, running influencer marketing campaigns, having an account on TikTok, email subscribers, upselling CRM, and an abandoned cart recovery strategy are some of the ways to get your prospective customer's attention and hold it.

What do you think of our tips to improve eCommerce sales?


Author Bio: George is a blogger and writer at Kamayobloggers, a site he started to share cutting-edge marketing insights.

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