9 Things to Do Before Creating a Business Website

Published: | By Patrik Taliga

You've started planning your new website, but where should you begin? We've put together a list of things you should do to ensure the success of your newly launched website. Read along to find out!

*Updated 6/30/2024

Although you have a long way to go, we believe you can do it. We are here to walk you through every step you must take to launch your website successfully. Have a seat, and take notes.

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9 Things To Do Before Creating a Website

  1. Have the conceptual idea down
  2. Do a keyword analysis
  3. Become familiar with your information architecture
  4. Get your prototype ready
  5. Test and make any necessary changes
  6. Create the website
  7. Select a domain and hosting provider
  8. Publish your website
  9. Assess usability, improve UX, and SEO

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1. Have the conceptual idea down

Before even trying to design anything, let’s sit down and ideate what the website will contain, look like, and function on the most basic level.

This will make it easier to bring your ideas to life and eliminate those that don’t work.

Of course, there will be changes along the way, but having a general idea of what the website will do and what functionalities it should have is never a bad idea.

2. A keyword analysis is of utmost importance 

With the use of keywords, you may boost the content of your website on any search engine, including Google, Bing, and others.

It aids the end-user in locating the ideal item among the millions of web pages available.

For example, you want to create an online store for your expanding local business so that clients can locate you and place orders there. You are a supermarket store in New York in this hypothetical situation.

The best keywords for you are "grocery," "delivery," and "NYC." Your potential clients have very little chance of discovering you, let alone purchasing from you, if you have picked phrases like "shopping," "online," and "local."

Do not underrate this important stage of creating your website. Carry out independent keyword research. Look at the keywords used by your rivals and choose ones that are more appropriate for you.

You may discover tools for keyword research on the internet to assist you with this, so pick the one you like and start using it.

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3. Become familiar with your information architecture

Information architecture, or IA, is the organizational framework of your website. It also reflects your menu labels, categories, and navigation.

What you offer, where clients will seek it, what category it falls into, and other factors. Your customers will undoubtedly have problems discovering what they seek if you omit this step or perform it poorly. 

Additionally, Google or another search engine will rank your website as having a low conversion rate and difficult to read. As a result, your website is immediately lowered in the search results, giving your rivals an edge. 

Using a card sorting tool is the best way to understand your categorization.

It enables you to determine which products should be grouped, what are the anticipated category names, and simply how to organize the website so that users can easily navigate it.

Sometimes we don't think as our consumers do, and that's alright. You can design easy navigation with a few user tests, so you can quit worrying about your users getting lost.

4. Get your prototype ready

Therefore, after the information architecture and keyword analysis are complete, you may proceed to create the prototype. A willing buddy with prior expertise or a professional can do it for a charge.

We advise utilizing Figma or inVision, but ultimately, it's up to you.

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5. Test your prototype and make any necessary changes

With prototyping done, you can move on to the next step.

You must test the prototype first to ensure that your website will be user-friendly and free of usability problems. Your future time, money, and anxieties will all be saved by doing this.

You may quickly put up a test for your concepts using a prototype testing tool, for example, UXtweak.

What’s good about it is that you only need a link; there's no need to upload large files!

Examine how users interact with it, identify usability issues, and make your design flow as fluid as possible. If something seems off or lacking, revisit it and make the necessary corrections.

There is nothing wrong with something not getting done the first time.

6. Create a website

Thus, the moment has finally arrived. You built a prototype, tested it, and may finally refine it into the desired form.

If you are not proficient in Python, C, or C++, hire a professional to handle this because developing is significantly more difficult than producing a prototype.

With them working on it, your site will quickly start to expand from scratch despite the high expense.

Or, as a less expensive option, use a website builder. Just to mention a few, some of the most well-known ones include WordPress, Wix, and Webflow.

1. An experienced Python development company can help you build a website from scratch.
2. By applying to Python development company you get the advantage of professional web engineering.
3. With expert Payton development company, you can focus your efforts on other business goals.
4. Python development company is a number one choose for those who value quality for reasonable price.


If you're looking for a Python development agency to help in creating a business website, make sure they understand your vision and have the expertise to make it a reality.

7. Select a domain and hosting company

You must now choose a domain name and hosting provider. A domain name should reflect who you are, such as your company name or something similar.

Hosting is the process of letting someone else operate your website on their servers so that everything runs without hiccups and you can focus on more minor details.

When selecting a hosting provider, the location of the server is another significant factor to consider.

For example, if you are looking for a location with reliable and secure internet infrastructure, choose your VPS in Germany, which will offer faster response times than those in other parts of the world.

Furthermore, hosting services in Germany are typically cheaper than other locations due to the lack of Value Added Tax on digital products and services that are provided by non-EU companies, making it an attractive option for start-up businesses.

8. Go live with your website

Houston, we're set to take off now. Finally, you may publish it. You've gone this far; now that you've finished, relax for a moment. Congratulations!

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9. Assess usability, improve UX, and SEO

However, the voyage is not yet over. The long-term part is now coming. To keep your website from looking like it was created ages ago, you still need to validate its usability.

Every day, user behavior shifts, and you must react and make the necessary modifications. Also requiring ongoing maintenance is SEO; Google occasionally modifies its policies, so be aware of that.

Remember to bring something fresh to the table that will set you apart from the competition, as it is still very much alive and thriving.

Implementing robust website tracking is an important step in this process.

By incorporating advanced analytics tools, you can gain valuable insights into user interactions and preferences, enabling informed decisions to further optimize the user experience.

However, it's imperative to ensure that these tracking mechanisms comply with data protection laws, safeguarding user privacy and building trust in your online presence.

You're Ready to Go, Congratulations!

We've provided you with the knowledge; now go ahead and make a great website. You are in charge now, and it’s up to you to create something innovative and stunning to look at.

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