8 Ways to Increase The Conversion Rate on your Dropshipping Store

Published: | By Jessica Fender

Increasing conversion rates is the next best thing to having content that attracts people to your online store.

There is no strict recipe for success, but all in all, higher conversion translates to more sales and more profits for you and those working with you.

Every niche is different, and so is every audience out there, so being able to observe and bring good judgment can be crucial. 

Use What You Have First

To best utilize what resources you have and make sure you understand the task beforehand, do some analytics first.

Look at your previous attempts at increasing your conversion rates and draw some conclusions from them. Any patterns emerging? Any "Hm, that's interesting…." moments?

To best convert, the visitors in your dropshipping store understand that it is in the nature of humankind to shop with their senses, mostly eyes. Address their senses, make them feel and see and smell your product, and watch as your e-commerce conversion rate skyrockets.  

Best Ways for Increasing The Conversion Rate on Your Dropshipping Store

1. Use Product Descriptions That Show More Than Tell 

man using mac laptopSource: Pexels

When writing product descriptions, ensure you can offer a more tactile approach to the product. SEO optimization goes without saying, but so do the many adverbs and adjectives that English is full of.

If you sell handheld appliances, make sure you mention the weight of the product and how it feels when held in your arms.

The texture of the handles can also be of paramount importance for some. Professional writers know the tricks of their trade, and you should benefit from their accumulated knowledge. 

2. A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Characters 

It does hold that a picture is worth more than any text ever will, but not all pictures are created equal.

Do not simply focus on the MPixels your camera has, but try to play with angles and light to bring out the best that your products have to offer.

Pictures can show the reflections, the texture, the nuances, and the fine work of the product you're trying to sell. Take pictures of the packaging as well, as people want to see that quality has been applied at every product development and manufacturing stage. 

3. A Video Is Worth a Thousand Pictures 

Including a high-quality video with the help of audio and YouTube visualizer is of paramount importance if you want a high conversion rate.

It is generally understood that feature videos should not be too long and should follow the structural form of an English essay: explain the basics of what will be discussed, head over to detailed explanations, and then the conclusion.

Make sure to show the product being used, as this is what people want to see. 

  • How is the product assembled? 
  • How are the batteries inserted? 
  • What does it sound like? 
  • How do you unplug, turn it off or empty the dust bin? 

Use videos to answer questions people may ask even before they have the product, and make them leave amazing comments by ensuring that the service you provide is impeccable.

4. A Product Review To Master Them All 

The final thing to take care of is the product review.

Beware not to fall into a common trap and mistake product descriptions and product reviews.

If you don't know where to start, try this AI-powered tool which creates a product review template from a product description — and you will see the difference immediately. While a description names and lists important technical and less technical data, a good product review sells.

In your product review, you should try (and ideally succeed) in communicating what the product feels like to you. Hold it in your hands and compare it to other products.

Try to communicate how much you can trust the product to do its job, showcase the positive and the negative sides of it, and finally make sure you showcase the work done by the product.

In the next stage of building your dropshipping store for success, understand that the same way that SEO works both on-page and off-page so does your conversion optimization. Make sure you stand out from the competitors by offering quality, uniqueness, and by offering transformation.  

5. Work on Your Brand 

whiteboard with branding and marketing written on itSource: Pexels

In pursuing a high conversion rate, we tend to forget about the beauty of returning customers.

The golden rule says that 80% of income comes from 20% of loyal customers, so keeping customers is of equal importance as any other marketing or product launch campaign.

The best way to keep all these customers happy and return them to your store would be to work on the brand itself. 

Try to establish a tone, whatever it may be, and stick to it. Build trust by staying true to yourself. Only this way will people be able to stay with you and keep ordering.

Once you've found how to keep your existing customers, working on your conversion rate makes sense.

6. Reach Out on More Than One Platform 

In developing your brand, establish omnipresence. Make sure that the tone of your brand is equally present on all the platforms you use. Use Instagram for photos, Facebook for text, and YouTube for reviews.

Use the same color scheme, make sure that your logo is always visible, and use your blog to create the need as you announce new product releases.

7. Offer Comfort of Payment 

two screen monitors with hands reaching toward each other mimicking an online saleSource: Pixabay

Offer your customers a multitude of payment options. Once you have them on your payments page, the last thing you want is for them to leave for a competitor who enables PayPal payments when you do not.

Keep in mind that your customers are not converted until they hit that ‘PAY’ button, and you receive your payment. 

8. Offer Free Shipping 

Two years ago, Etsy made a very open announcement to all the people selling on their platform.

The email that Etsy sent out reported that customers are more likely to purchase a more expensive product with free shipping than they were to purchase a cheaper product with paid shipping.

Use this to your advantage and include the shipping fees in the price tag. 

Concluding Remarks

Whatever your needs or your niche, ensure that your conversion rate is as high as it gets.

Focusing on quality rather than quantity can be a very rewarding practice, as it ensures that you surface from a sea of hyper-producing eStores with neglectable quality.

However, what will truly set you apart and pull you to the heights is the right approach to the right audience. Work on branding, listen to your customers, and ensure that every little pattern you see is addressed the right way.


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