7 Expert Task Management Tips to Improve Your Productivity at Work

Published: | By Oliver Stasinszky

Efficient task management is crucial to ensure everything gets done in an organized manner without sacrificing quality or creativity. 

With so many things to do, losing sight of your objectives takes time. However, you can stay on top with the right strategies and achieve your goals. 

This article will discuss seven expert organizational tips to help you manage tasks more effectively and improve your productivity at work. So no matter how hectic things get in your business life, you can use these simple strategies to get the job done.

7 Task Management Tips and How To Implement Them

  1. Use the Eisenhower Matrix
  2. Employ task management software
  3. Automate repetitive tasks
  4. Create a daily checklist
  5. Delegate tasks to the right people
  6. Streamline communication
  7. Take breaks and practice self-care

But first, the question must be asked:

Why is Task Management So Important?

Task management is so important because every profession, no matter the industry, requires it. By managing your time wisely, you can get more done in less time, which leads to increased productivity and improved efficiency. 

Aside from giving you control over your workload, it allows you to plan so tasks do not overlap. Also, good task management encourages better collaboration between team members since everyone knows what they need to work on and when.

A good example is using screen capture software to record your progress.

By capturing a visual representation of your work, you can show team members exactly what you’ve done so they can quickly provide suggestions or continue based on what you already have. This can significantly maximize productivity and minimize time wastage.

Task management requires strategic planning, organization, and communication skills – and with these tips in mind, you should be able to manage your tasks like a pro. Let’s consider the Eisenhower Matrix.

1. Using the Eisenhower Matrix 

"If it takes less than two minutes, do it now." - David Allen, productivity consultant and author of "Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity"

The Eisenhower Matrix is a powerful technique for task management. Developed by former US President Dwight D. Eisenhower, the matrix consists of four quadrants: 

  • Important and urgent
  • Important but not urgent
  • Not important but urgent
  • Not important and not urgent

By dividing tasks into these categories, you can use the matrix to determine which tasks to work on first, second, etc.

How to implement

Write down your current tasks on paper or online task management software.

Assign each task by importance and urgency. Complete those that are not important or urgent. Then create a plan to complete each task one at a time.

For instance, if you are a social media marketer applying the Eisenhower Matrix after analyzing posts' performance data, you might notice that visual posts perform better than text-based posts.

So, as per the method, you can create visual content over text-only posts.


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Using the Eisenhower Matrix as part of your organizational strategy for managing business tasks, you can decrease stress levels while increasing productivity and achieving success!

In the next section, we'll look at how task management software can help take your organization's productivity to the next level.

2. Use Task Management Software 

"Create a system that works for you. Don't force yourself into a system that doesn't work." - Laura Vanderkam, time management expert and author of "168 Hours: You Have More Time Than You Think"

Managing multiple projects simultaneously can be challenging, especially when deadlines are tight deadlines, and the workload seems never-ending.

Without proper organization and communication, your business could suffer from missed deadlines, lost data, and poor customer service. It can cost you revenue and damage your reputation.

Using the right tools can make this process easy and hassle-free for teams and individuals. Task management software is a powerful tool for businesses of all sizes to create tasks, assign them to team members, and track progress more effectively.

The software allows you to set deadlines for individual tasks and get reminders when those deadlines are approaching in a central dashboard. 

Team members can also collaborate and communicate about projects without switching between multiple apps or platforms, decreasing confusion. 

How to implement

A content creation marketer, for example, may create an outline and assign writing parts (research/ copywriting/ SEO optimization) to teammates. 

Using a shared document that everyone can access, it is easy to keep track of updates and see what each member has accomplished in completing their assigned tasks.

Popular task management software like Trello, Breeze, Asana, or Basecamp often includes analytics that allows you to track your team's performance over time and identify improvements.

If you're looking to explore other options and learn more about Trello alternatives, there are various platforms available to suit your specific needs and preferences.


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When choosing the right task management software for your business, consider your needs and budget. 

Look for software with features matching your requirements, such as task assignments, deadlines, progress tracking, and file sharing. Test out different software options before committing to one, and ensure that your team is trained and comfortable using it.

3. Automate Repetitive Tasks 

Automate tasks that you perform frequently to save time and reduce errors. Use tools such as macros, scripts, and automation software to streamline your workflow." - Laura Stack, productivity and time management expert and author of "What to Do When There's Too Much to Do: Reduce Tasks, Increase Results, and Save 90 Minutes a Day

Automating repetitive tasks in areas like customer service, digital marketing, or project management can optimize your workflow. With software and technology, business owners can automate tasks such as data entry, invoicing, and email marketing, saving time and minimizing errors.

Automated tools provide features like automated emails, a ticketing system, call distribution, and chatbots to help website visitors or customers find answers quickly without waiting on hold or sending multiple emails. 

Additionally, they allow you to prioritize requests based on urgency or importance so your team can focus on the most urgent items first. 

How to implement

For instance, let's say you’re responsible for sending follow-up emails after a successful sale—instead of manually creating each one and repeatedly typing in the same information, you can use an email automation tool

It will save time while ensuring your customers receive timely communication from your business.


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Automating repetitive tasks can have a significant impact on improving business task management.

By freeing up time, employees can focus on higher-level tasks that require human attention, such as problem-solving and decision-making. With that said, creating a daily checklist is an integral step in making sure your team stays on track and meets its goals.

4. Create a Daily Checklist 

"To-do lists should be dynamic, flexible, and should be adjusted to fit changing priorities." - Julie Morgenstern, organization and time management expert and author of "Time Management from the Inside Out"

A lack of structure and a clear plan can make your workday chaotic and unproductive. As a result, you may feel stressed and anxious, leading to a decline in your quality of work. 

By creating a daily checklist, you can guarantee that no tasks fall through the cracks and that all team members are on the same page about what needs accomplishing.

How to implement

Start by listing all the most urgent tasks for the day. Then break them down into smaller, manageable tasks. 

Next, prioritize your tasks based on their importance and deadline, and include notes or details to help you complete them. Finally, track your progress throughout the day. This step can also have the Eisenhower Matrix. 

For example, a content marketer could create a daily checklist that includes writing a blog post which may be broken down into smaller tasks like — brainstorming ideas, outlining the post, conducting research, writing a draft, editing, and publishing it.

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Keep an eye out for any new tasks or deadlines during the day. Adding these tasks to the list on time can help you stay organized and prevent them from slipping through the cracks. 

Review your checklist at the end of each day to evaluate your progress and adjust your priorities and time estimates as needed.

A daily checklist ensures that you take all tasks seriously. As a result, it is easier to delegate tasks to the right people.

5. Delegate Tasks to the Right People 

"Prioritization is key. Make a list of your tasks and focus on the ones that will have the greatest impact on your goals." - Brian Tracy, author and motivational speaker known for his work on time management and productivity.

In any profession involving teamwork or collaboration, you want your team members to handle tasks that align with their strengths and expertise. 

You may become overwhelmed and burnt out when you try to do everything yourself. You can manage your workload efficiently by delegating and ensuring tasks are completed to your standards.

How to implement

When delegating tasks, first consider the skillset and expertise of each team member.

By identifying which person is best suited for the job, you will ensure that each team member utilizes their strengths and works on tasks they can handle. 

Additionally, by assigning work based on skill level, you can reduce the risk of errors occurring and maximize the quality of output from your team.

Delegate tasks such as social media management to a team member with experience in that area and focus on content creation and strategy.


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Providing clear instructions for delegating tasks is essential to ensure team members understand what needs to be completed and any associated deadlines or expectations.

To ease the process of task delegation, consider using workload management tools.


Let's explore how streamlining communication can further improve your task management process.

6. Streamline Communication

"Clarity is key. Be specific and direct in your communication, and avoid unnecessary details and jargon." - Erica Dhawan, communication and collaboration expert and author of "Digital Body Language: How to Build Trust and Connection, No Matter the Distance"

When communication could be better, mistakes can happen in task completion, as well as delays.

On the other hand, effective teamwork and task management are dependent upon good communication. Mistakes are often no big deal. Everyone makes mistakes.

But when someone’s personal information or medical records fall into the wrong hands, the consequences change. You can fix this problem with better communication. Everything from emails to secure online fax services should be taken into consideration.

How to implement

First, set expectations for response times and communication channels so everyone is on the same page. Then, utilize an email or instant messaging system to send information and updates to keep everyone connected and informed.

Secondly, schedule a time each day for a group discussion of the progress made throughout the day. Having everyone discuss their challenges with each other makes it easier to resolve issues more quickly.

As well as daily check-ins, encourage open dialogue among team members to foster collaboration. 

For instance, a project management team could set up a Trello board to assign and track tasks, schedule regular check-ins via Zoom or Slack, and set expectations for response times.


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Now that we've discussed managing tasks team-wise, let's move on to an often overlooked but vital part of business task management — taking breaks and practicing self-care.

7. Take Breaks and Practice Self-Care 

"Rest when you're weary. Refresh and renew yourself, your body, mind, and spirit. Then get back to work." - Ralph Marston, motivational speaker and author known for his work on personal development and success.

Taking care of your physical and mental health is necessary to achieve your goals and perform at your best.

Neglecting self-care can lead to burnout, fatigue, and a decline in overall well-being. 

How to implement

  • Take a few short breaks, such as a 15-minute walk outside or a stretching session
  • Eat healthy meals and snacks. If you don’t have time to cook, consider using a low-carb meal service that can deliver healthy lunches and dinners to your door.
  • Read a book before bed, or meditate for 10 minutes each morning
  • Get enough sleep each night. Sleep deprivation correlates with decreased performance during the day.



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 Incorporating these activities into one's daily routine can have far-reaching benefits beyond physical health. Workers who approach work energized, relaxed, and confident are better equipped to meet the day's challenges.


Effective business task management means prioritizing them based on their importance level and planning adequately enough for everything to run smoothly. Incorporating these tips into your daily routine may require a bit of dedication and effort, but the rewards are worth it.

You will not only improve the success of your business but also boost your personal growth and development. 


Author Bio

Oliver Stasinszky is an outreach team lead at LiveAgent with an e-commerce and customer service background. He is passionate about writing, reading, and learning how to play any musical instrument.


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