10 Quick Tips for a Compelling Mobile Landing Page Design

Published: | By Sam O'Brien

Landing pages form a crucial touchpoint between your brand and your customers. They have a variety of purposes but are typically used to link an ad campaign to a purchase or product page.

For example, clicking on a social media ad for a particular product might lead to a specialized landing page with more information about that product, designed to drive conversions.

For their variety of uses, landing pages and landing page design are important to the success of digital marketing techniques and driving product sales. 

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Mobile vs. Desktop Landing Page Design

Usually, consumers will access your website and business via either a mobile or desktop device.

Mobile devices are growing in popularity year on year among most age and location demographics, meaning that it’s important for your SEO checklist and user experience to optimize every page on your site for mobile users. 

Read more about SEO and PPC.


Image sourced from Statista

Landing pages are particularly important when it comes to mobile optimization for customer experience.

Your landing page design and content all work towards driving marketing conversion rates, growing brand awareness, and encouraging repeat custom for your brand. 

Clearly, a poorly functioning mobile landing page will cause more and more customers to have a poor experience with your brand, as mobile usage becomes more popular. 

Brands may neglect to test their landing pages on mobile sufficiently because most web pages are designed and tested on a desktop.

For this reason, it’s important to apply some improvements to your landing page, especially for mobile users. 

10 Tips for a Compelling Mobile Landing Page Design

  1. Speed
  2. Simple, sleek visuals
  3. Responsive elements
  4. Economical copy
  5. Minimize typing
  6. Avoid intrusive pop-ups
  7. Single columns are best
  8. Clickable CTAs
  9. Testing
  10. Create for mobile

1. Speed 

Using mobile devices, consumers are likely to be browsing on the move. If they have clicked through from a social media app or advert, this may well be an impulse visit to your site.

For this reason, you want to avoid bounces or early exits caused by slow loading and make sure you test your site speed regularly. This means optimizing large files, like hi-res imagery, videos, or embedded PDFs, as these can cause slow loading times. 

You also need to make sure that your landing page loads quickly with other software, for example, a remote access iPad or phone, and any number of operating systems. 

2. Simple, sleek visuals 

What’s the first thing you notice about a landing page? Sleek, on-brand visuals will engage audiences from the offset and encourage users to read further and consume your copy. 

Because mobile landing pages lack the space of a desktop, and you’re driving users towards a singular message, it’s best to pare down your imagery to a couple of key elements.

Consider the messaging of your landing page and how your visuals fit into that. 


Free to use image from Unsplash

Remember, everything on your landing page is driving toward one action that you want your customers to take. 

3. Responsive elements 

Your mobile landing page design should contain certain responsive elements that make the transition from desktop to mobile a smooth one. 


Image sourced from fireart.studio

This includes:

  • Page width
  • Image stacking and placement
  • Whitespace
  • Intuitive navigation
  • Copy wrapping

All of these elements play a role in how your site looks and whether it is accessible on mobile.

For example, too much whitespace or poorly stacked images can make the site difficult to look at, and unresponsive copy can mean that sentences trail off the end of a page, making it unreadable. 

4. Economical copy 

Your copy is your chance to show your customers what your brand and products are all about. It can be tempting to go copy-heavy on a landing page, particularly if you’re promoting an exciting new product.

However, too much copy on a mobile landing page can make for a long scroll that puts users off learning more about your product. 

To avoid this, be economical with your copy. Only include the information that’s crucial, and leave your site’s visitors wanting more. 

For example, consider the difference between these two pieces of copy on VNC server Android advice:

  • Longer copy

VNC servers can be used for any device, including Android devices. They provide complete peace of mind when using a VNC Reader to access your device remotely, with end-to-end encryption, multi-factor authentication, and permission control.

You can even record sessions and share files in real time, wherever you are.

  • Shorter copy

Designed for security, VNC servers deliver complete remote accessibility without compromise, on any Android device. Benefits include:

    • Multi-factor authentication
    • Complete encryption 
    • Recording 

You can see that these two pieces both provide the same basic information, but the second piece uses shorter paragraphs with bullet points that will respond to the needs of a mobile device - making reading easier and less overwhelming for the viewer.

5. Minimize typing 


Free to use image from Unsplash

Frustration is one of the leading causes of bounces and page exits on e-commerce sites. You want to avoid causing frustration for consumers wherever possible, which means reducing typing and other lengthy activities. 

You can minimize typing in two major areas.

  1. Make sure that your navigation menu is easy to use to avoid the need for the search bar.
  2. Make your forms as simple and responsive as possible.

Use short-form answers, tick boxes, and buttons wherever possible to ensure maximum responses before site visitors become frustrated and exit early. 

6. Avoid intrusive pop-ups 

Plenty of websites use pop-ups, to positive effect. Used correctly, they can drive sales and encourage customers to make an inquiry or take a desired action.

However, on mobile, pop-ups can come across as intrusive and annoying. Mobile users tend to be browsing on the go or generally looking to browse your site in a time-effective way.

Having to close pop-up windows can make the page itself and their session slower, ruining their customer experience and making it more likely that they will exit prematurely. 

If you’re planning to use pop-ups on your mobile landing page, give your customers time to digest the page’s information first. Your pop-up should also encourage the same action as the rest of the landing page - whether that be getting in touch or making a purchase. 

7. Single columns are best 

The best mobile-optimized landing pages show that their designer understands the layout and user journey of a mobile site. Single-column pages keep things sleek and simple, ideal for a much smaller screen than a desktop. 

See below an example of a mobile page adapted as a simple single column for mobile. The layout doesn’t compromise on branding or messaging but acknowledges that there is less space than on a desktop.

Screenshots from powr.io

This avoids overwhelming the viewer and allows information to be digested. 

8. Clickable CTAs 

Everything on mobile is clickable. While this may not be strictly true, mobile users expect highly interactive experiences, with sleek, clear buttons that show them what their next action will be.

Implementing great CTA’s into your landing page is a great way to show that you understand mobile users’ needs and expectations. 

For example, by creating a custom button that links to a VoIP caller or dialing system, you can encourage viewers to call your business directly with an inquiry from your landing page.

You remove extra steps, each of which is a potential exit point, and shorten the conversion funnel. Your customers will thank you for it. 

9. Testing 

Testing your mobile landing page design is vital. It allows you to see, in real-time, how your page differs from desktop and how it is going to be viewed by mobile users. You need to test:

  • Loading speed
  • Visuals, including image stacking and asset quality
  • Copy and text wrapping
  • Pop-ups and embedded forms
  • Messaging and customer journey

Test as you go along to identify issues with the page before releasing to your target audience. Try to make your testing as streamlined as possible.

You might consider using in-built tools, such as image annotation or collaborative commenting and editing software to ensure that page testing is efficient and involves all the right people. 

Another very efficient 'tool' to help you test is mobile proxies. Using various configurations, you can use these to see how your website loads and appears from any location around the world.

This will help you find potential problems that might only appear in specific locations or setups. You can check out Blackdown's best mobile proxies list to find a reliable proxy provider for this task.

10. Create for mobile 

While it’s great to optimize your desktop landing page for mobile users, the best solution is to build a mobile-specific landing page. This way, you can avoid removing key pieces of branding or parts of your messaging in attempting to make your copy and design mobile-friendly.

Doing this will require some extra work but will provide a large part of your audience with a better user experience. 


Screenshot of mobile landing page from babbel.com

This is particularly beneficial for e-commerce since mobile actually accounts for the minority of online purchases. If you want to drive sales on mobile devices, then you’ll need to make sure that you’re delivering the best experience possible. 

Designing for Mobile

Overall, it’s important to keep in mind that mobile is a growing platform and should absolutely be a high priority for creating quality landing pages - one of the most important strategies for lead generation available to you. 

When designing for mobile, you’ve got to consider viewers’ expectations - including loading time, the size of their screen, when and where they’re reading your content, and their next planned action.

All of this will help to shape mobile-optimized landing pages that get you results and drive your sales.


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