Contact Page Ideas For Your Website

Written by POWR | Jun 2, 2022 6:00:00 PM

A contact page upgrade may be precisely the change your business needs to get more customers and boost revenue.

Here we will cite examples from which you can draw inspiration to create a suitable contact page for your website. Additionally, you can utilize an online form builder to help you make your contact page. 

So let’s dive into how you can use some of the best practices when creating your contact form with a few tips and inspiration!


A Purposeful Look

When creating your contact page, the goal is to compel users to connect with you. The first look has a bearing on user perception, and observing specific parameters can help achieve that. 

Here are some tips to help you conceptualize what your contact page should look like for maximum impact.

  • Avoid A Distracting Sidebar

Keep users' attention on the contact form and not on unnecessary objects hovering inside the page. Too many bells and whistles can be a distraction, and you want to guide your visitors’ path as best as possible.

  • Limit Form Fields

Excessive fields may drive users to abandon the form. Hence, only include fields that would directly correspond to questions or concerns. Keep it short and straightforward. 

  • Represent Your Brand

A contact page is not only an opportunity to close deals, but it is also a platform where users can learn more about your brand. Be strategic in planning out the design and layout of your page. It should align nicely with your messaging. 

  • Be Assertive

Do not expect users to comprehend all the details found on your website. Instead, guide them through clear instructions and communicative symbols. It will cut down on the confusion for everyone. 

The Ideal Content

The content of a contact page should be relevant to the kind of business you run, so these are essential elements you need to consider having:

  1. An invitation to connect with the business
  2. An operational contact form
  3. Affiliated social media profiles
  4. Other important details such as phone number, address, etc.

The above suggestions aren’t mandatory, but the contact form is non-negotiable. There are many ways to convey an invite, such as “Get in Touch”, “Talk to Us”, or “Let’s Chat”. Be mindful not to use “Email Us” or any other type of confusing headers.

Find Inspiration In Excellent Examples

  • WPForms

Categorizing customers can benefit both parties, and WPForms organizes its users into existing and potential customers. It is both coherent and efficient in responding to queries. Its page has two separate forms for different services.

  • Marie Forleo

Marie Forleo’s contact page is known for its aesthetic layout and interactive assistance. It employs an AI-generated chatbox to add character to the monotonous form and suggest resources or answers to users without sending in a request. This type of marketing is conversational and customer-friendly. 


  • QuickSprout

QuickSprout dives right into a condensed infographic, which filters messages into what can and cannot get a response. Below the infographic is a form with limited fields. This contact page is a no-nonsense approach to inquiries, balanced with the right amount of wit and charm. 

  • Legalia

If you’re looking for something simple that maximizes functionality, the multi-column form of Legalia embodies professionalism. The layout gives the impression of brevity and readily provides additional contact details.

  • Grover Web Design

Grover Web Design is similar to the previous example in that it has all the necessary contact information, including social media icons, right beside the text fields. It also utilizes the CAPTCHA feature that ensures users are bona fide.

  • Den Ersten

Some businesses may require images on their page to aid users geographically, showcase products and strengths, or merely add to their attraction.

Den Ersten encapsulates this concept perfectly with a large map pasted parallel to its contact form. Furthermore, conditional logic helps manage multiple fields by concealing them until necessary. 

  • JetBlue

Direct links can serve as an alternative to a contact page.

JetBlue uses this approach by linking common help topics and answers. It is practically a FAQ plugged into the website. If none of these links are helpful, users can still get in touch through email or phone.

However, support teams may not be as accessible without a contact form, potentially discouraging customers who need immediate assistance.


  • Tune

Featuring a hero image on the contact page, Tune offers a glimpse of its brand. What makes this unique from other websites is its company description and receptiveness to connect with users.

Since it targets new users, the sole disadvantage of this page is existing users' submission of queries intended for the support team.

Final Thoughts

A contact page may not seem like a make-or-break business decision, but if you design it well, it could prove to be a boon to your business, building your brand alongside customer trust.

Be sure to think about some of the inspiration shared with you today in your contact page’s design.