How to Write an Engaging Product Description that Sells Better

Written by Nishant Mehta | Mar 18, 2023 3:19:00 PM

An engaging product description is complex. Ask any salesperson who has done so in the past! 

The reason it’s difficult is because of the varied audience, their buying style, and their location. What works for one user might not work for another. 

That’s why many conflicting opinions exist about what makes a good product description. 

Let’s discuss a comprehensive guide on how to write an engaging product description that sells better. 

7 Tips to Write Product Descriptions That Will Drive More Sales 

In this guide, readers will find seven tips that will prove helpful in writing product descriptions for any industry. 

  1. Address the target audience
  2. Focus on benefits, not features
  3. Convey product information
  4. Use descriptive language
  5. Make it easy-to-read
  6. Remember keywords and SEO
  7. Use original & unique words

Now, let's look more deeply into each of the tips for writing product descriptions to increase your business's sales.

1. Directly address the target audience

Tip number one for creating an engaging product that drives more sales is addressing the target audience directly

Experts’ copywriters often preach about the need to address the goals and pain points of the target audience. 

Writers should talk to their audience instead of bragging about their company. The same is the case with writing product descriptions.


A product description should feel authentic and organic and directly address the related things the target audience wants to see. 

But suppose a product description writer doesn’t know what his audience wants to see. In that case, a researched list of the pain points and goals of the audience will come in handy.

Additionally, a product description should allow its customers to see how a particular product would make their life better or easier. 

2. Focus on the benefits instead of the features


This tip is much easier if you already have a list of the customer’s goals and pain points. So, let’s understand this tip better with the help of product description writing examples.

Suppose a writer is writing a product description for a curly hair care product. In such a case, a writer should focus on the benefits users will get through the product’s features.

For example, writers can discuss how this specific hair care product will make the curls bouncy and light and eliminate that crunchy, scrunchy feeling. 

Similarly, writers can also write how this hair product helps minimize frizz and enhances natural curls.

This approach enhances the product recommendation process by aligning features with customer needs.

Additionally, suppose a writer is writing the product description of a kitchen item. In that case, he should mention using safe and toxic-free material and describe the benefits of having an aesthetically clean or organized kitchen.

Pro Tip: An e-commerce site should lead with something other than the features of products in its description box. Instead, the website should focus on customer-oriented benefits and have a separate section for the features of the products. 

The above examples are a prime illustration of how a product description focuses on the end goals or benefits a customer tries to achieve instead of discussing the product itself.

3. Convey information about the product


After getting customers’ attention with a hook or opening line that directly addresses their needs, it is time to provide them with product information. 

A writer should use his word power to address his customers’ objections and answer their FAQs.

As mentioned earlier, e-commerce websites should have a separate section for the fortes of products. So, a kitchen item specializes in ditching chemicals or healthy cooking. 

In that case, it is the job of the product description writer to explain to the customers how this particular product helps in healthy cooking or ditching chemicals.

Similarly, product description writers should also answer people’s confusion regarding a product’s features. 

For example, the FAQ section of a kitchen product should contain questions and answers, like if a particular product is compatible with a gas stove or if the pots and pans are non-stick.

4. Use descriptive language

Excluding e-commerce websites that have implemented VR functionality to visualize a product to their customers virtually, it is hard for customers to see an item in person during online purchases. 

Therefore, a good product description should be vivid and contain descriptive language that allows the customers to envision what the product looks, feels, smells like, etc.

However, this instruction will vary according to the product type and industry. A good practice is to imagine what people would do if they could see the same product in a (physical) store before purchasing.

For example, people smell a candle before buying it. Therefore, a writer should consider adding the smell of a candle with the help of beautiful details while writing a product description for a candle.

Similarly, for the product description example for clothing, a writer should describe the feel of the fabric and his emotions upon wearing that particular piece of clothing, like how good it makes him feel to wear it.


All in all, irrespective of the product industry, a writer should find a way to include figurative language while writing engaging product descriptions. 

But this doesn’t mean exaggerating or writing false details because doing this will affect the reputation of brands and writers.

5. Write an easy-to-read description

A good product description writer describes a product concisely and efficiently.

So, a product description should not be a massive block of text because there should be some difference between a blog and a product description.

There are numerous company managers reaching out to qualified essay writers to make their product descriptions Grammarly-perfect and easy to read.

Thus, a writer should space out his sentences well, keep the sentences short and get to the point sooner rather than later. 

For those seeking additional support and guidance, exploring the best essay writing service can offer valuable assistance too.

Customers can quickly skim the product descriptions and get the necessary information. Moreover, a concise and to-the-point product description provides positive user interaction with a brand.

Pro Tip: If a writer has a knack for over-explaining something, he can take the help of a paraphrasing tool to bring conciseness to his words. Such tools use the help of NLP (Natural Language Processing) and AI (Artificial Intelligence) algorithms to add brevity to an uploaded text according to its context.

6. Keywords and SEO

Everything that you will publish over the web needs the help of SEO to perform better over the internet. 

So, whether a writer belongs to the content writing or copywriting industry, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) plays a vital role in both fields.


Specifically talking about the role of SEO optimization while writing product descriptions, a company wants its product or website to appear for a specific query type. 

So, a writer should optimize the content of that company’s product or website for those particular keywords. 

This way, when a user types the (related) keywords, he can easily find that company’s product or website, eventually benefiting the company.

7. Prefer original and unique wording

Whether a content creator is creating content for a video, blog, infographics, or product description, it is essential to make content that stands out against competitors. 

Check for plagiarism in your content with the help of an online tool. These tools use Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Deep Searching algorithms to check uploaded content for plagiarism. 

Upon finding the plagiarism, the plagiarism detectors will use the percentage and different coloring schemes to differentiate between the original and uploaded content. 

So, online plagiarism detectors provide an efficient way to determine whether the written content is authentic.

Wrapping Up

An engaging product description is essential to the product’s marketing strategy. It is how a marketer gets people to read and engage with the content about the product or services his company sells. 

Competitors may be able to write better, but a writer must still write engaging content to attract potential customers and boost sales from existing customers. 

So, writing fascinating product descriptions is hard. But it’s not impossible because people can get help from the tips discussed in the above guide.